youtube caught DELETING Downvotes on Biden videos.


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now if there is ONE source of information even more unreliable than poole it is crowder, but hey, if he tells you what you want to hear.......

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theblackswordsman's picture
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lawngnome's picture

They are literally showing you fake voting addresses that they've tracked down and you're over here like't+hear+you.jpg




You keep on using those commie tactics of belittling others, trying to invalidate sources and gaslighting though...


Shits weak bro.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Sorry, crowder needs to be checked every time for accuracy, hence I trust him as much as I would trust TYT pool or Alex Jones. If he has something you may as well bring evidence from a reliable source. BBC is always quite good on that.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

BBC is good for lot's of things. Telling the whole story isn't one of them.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

It is so beautiful and hillarious how the far left, far right and conspiracy nuts are so united in condemning the BBC.

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jdt73's picture

As usual, you got alot of retoric and no argument.

You like to go on about unreliable sources and fact checking yet you have no facts, your best source is the BBC and I'm not surprised.

Spell check this....

Trolling Ignoramus in full bliss mode, for your own sake take a break from the internet, read book or two and talk to real people face to face to sharpen up your human skills and when you come back, maybe you wont be such an asshole.



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nakedslave's picture

Crowder brings FACTS.  Your  media doesnt do any research or fact checking. You just gobble up that fake news like a sheep.


Atleast do yourself a favor and follow a media outlets that brings facts to the table. Doesnt have to be crowder.



Your fake media doesn't even bother with investigation anymore. They just do fake news report and then you have Project Veritas forcing them  to do retrations. Forcing them to show their true colors.  

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