Wow - Watch This


boldfart's picture

Trump learned that lesson well.

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skeptoid's picture

Not a swipe - sincerely, are you an adult?

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boldfart's picture

Hitler can rely on support from industry  and finance.

Put nothing in writing.

Deny anything that was proved to be false.

Make it all up on the spur of the moment.


etc  etc etc.


That sums up Hitler and Trump OK?


As for your ad hominim,  I expected no less but I had hoped for better.



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skeptoid's picture

Not ad hominem. I'm asking. You don't have to answer.

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boldfart's picture

You're right, answer follows : yes.


I will not ask if you are clinically a moron or an idiot.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Probably both but he really  is cunt....

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Don't be such an ignorant cunt, even you must see the parallels (which are neither invented by nor limited to nazis but applied pretty much by all totalitarian leaders, the nazis only somehow perfected the system).

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