Why you should not brush your teeth

Dude's picture

Alesha Dixon - The Boy Does Nothing (Official Music Video)

Well it is quite simple, tooth paste is abrasive and damages your tooth enamel and Fluoride hardens your enamel like glass making it breakable.

Brushing your teeth takes off some of your enamel, bit by bit, making them very sensitive, and then they sell you some other tooth paste for sensitive teeth. 

I brush my teeth once every one or two months, i am 38, never had a cavity still have all my teeth, and they are not sensitive.

plus fluoride is a class 4 chemical substance / poison, it can not be processed or dumped anywhere, so they put it in the water, mouth wash and tooth paste, it also diminishes many points of your IQ over regular use.

Just throwing that out there, before you tell your kids to brush their teeth before bed.

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stokkebye's picture

Watched it on mute. Funny shit!

I think diet has a lot more to do with tooth decay than not brushing your teeth. 

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n0val33t's picture
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That train of logic is flawed as people have wastly different teeth and you apperently having a good set of chompers got nothing to do with anyone but you. Either way, gum health is what it's mostly about, just massage them gums with water if tooth past is so god damn scary! 

FYI some toothpaste is abrasive, some! 


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danman's picture

brushing your teeth after eating can fw your enamel because your natural enzymes have softened it

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Pdub's picture

I stopped drinking alcohol and sugary beverages.  Replaced with water, milk, juice.  No more cavities.  I only get pain when the weather/pressure/temperature swings because of the metal in some of my crowns.  I can predict the weather when I get pains.

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stokkebye's picture

Yeah, cut out sugar and no more cavities! 

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