Why the T-90 is Cheap Useless Junk! | Your Favorite Tank Sucks #2


Timmy Tosser's picture

Well duh. Now the whole world knows the truth about the stunningly poor quality of all Russian made military equipment. Their arms industry is completely fooked for decades to come...

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danman's picture

didn't your country just lose a 20 year war to dudes in sandals?

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sato's picture

there's some whataboutism. poor quality though, you didn't even make it relevant to tanks.

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danman's picture

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Let the weeb bee. Japan great.

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sal9000's picture
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dan's just a pakapoo ticket

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sato's picture

the inside reporting is that it is actually good, just the people working in the forces are so badly paid they have to sell off spare parts, upgrades, and maintenance equipment to make their own livlihoods, so the equipment all goes to shit. also there wasn't much of that for the army in the first place since putin and co keep most of the money for themselves.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Even if it is cheap, cheap does not always mean bad with tanks. They need a gun that can punch through more expensive tanks and ideally good mobility.


Cheaper tanks means faster manufacturing. Considering Russias rich Iron reserves and Industry that still exists. Tanks are not a problem.


Tigers and Abrhams are some of the best ever made for their time. They also break down a whole lot and their small parts break. They get out manuevered or taken out by anti armor ordinance they are the same scrap just more costly.

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n0val33t's picture
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Why tanks suck in the 21's century?.... and just leave it at that!  


That being said, our goverment is replacing 40 A4 leopards 70 leopard A7's or..... 70 Korean Panthers, doing winter trials now.



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