Why Some Environmentalists Hate Captain Planet

Pulpgimp1's picture

Why Some Environmentalists Hate Captain Planet

"All of this is much easier to see in retrospect, which I think is telling. It's hard to see bias in the moment, and it's easy to feel justified in simplifying the stories of your adversaries when you're in the middle of what you see as a war. But that's why it's good to look back at things like this."

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danmanjones's picture

did anyone here old enough to remember captain planet actually enjoy that show? or just mock it?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I was about 6 years old when captain planet aired. I thought it was dumb and couldn't wait for the show that would come after.

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Woodsman's picture

I've always been frustrated with exactly what he is saying.  That they make every industry look like it is just pure evil.


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