Why do we need scientists?

daftcunt's picture

Solar Roadway: 10¢ return on $1000 investment!

Because self proclaimed experts (in sales, nothing else) create money pits like this. 

Average: 5 (2 votes)


sato's picture

ffs this is moronic. it's a prototype! prototypes are never profitable. it might work better with improvement, it might not, but judging a project on its first iteration is just stupid. you ask why we need scientists, it's because they keep working on something even if the first experiment doesn't work! by this guy's logic we shouldn't have nasa because the first rocket blew up on the launchpad, a $0 return on investment.

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Woodsman's picture

The guy that was screaming with numbers on the board is missing a point and that's that you have to pay to pave roads regardless, so if you factor in that cost (and the cost of asphalt doesn't go down), one day, this technology could be worth it.  I like both rooftop and roadway ideas, anytime you have unused space, I think its great if you can make it produce power.  Solar fields I'm not as big of a fan of because it wastes real estate.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

The costs for road paving were mentioned and are negligible in comparison. 

For people with limited technical talent and/or education (like yourself, I assume from your comment) I recommend the other thunderf00t videos on solar roadways. 

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Woodsman's picture

I can tell you think you're pretty smart, but I assure you I am university educated and intelligent.  I'm just saying the guy completely writing it off because the technology is not currently economically viable is jumping the gun.  How long was solar, wind, and other renewables uneconomical for before it started to make a bit of sense?  People have thrown so much money at the problem and lots of people said they would never make sense.  Roads are otherwise wasted space and if they can make it work for them, that is awesome.  Is it worth it now?  Obviously not.  Will it ever?  It doesn't look that way now, but all it takes is a few breakthroughs in technology, materials or manufacturing process and things can change quick.  Quit patting yourself on the back for being so much smarter than everyone.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I am not "patting myself on the back" for being smarter as such. I may have a higher than average "engineering intelligence" (or as I prefer talent) but that does not make me a better person. I have no talent for arts or music at all and that does not make me a worse person neither.


The problems with solar roadways in the form they are presented here (and crowd and government funded) are multiple and pretty impossible to overcome in the near future.

This is why I suggested you look at the other submissions regarding this "invention". Roads are pretty much the worst place you can put this, there is a reason for "solar farms" after all and this is just the start of it. 


There is a worse idea floarting about though, which is equipping the new border wall to Mexico with solar panels, LOL!



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Woodsman's picture

Are you kidding me?! Solaring the border wall is sheer genius.  Especially if Mexico pays for it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh boy. Like I said you may be university educated but you clearly lack engineering talent. Educate yourself how solar works and where the majority of the wall is going to be.


Skip to 10:30 if you don't care for ridiculing the potus.


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Woodsman's picture

I kid.

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