When the negroes don't budge.....


stokkebye's picture

The first video edited out the part where the black dude punched the driver and THEN he got shot! If a mob of rioting people are surrounding your vehicle pounding on it and breaking the windows, what the fuck are you going to do? I mean I know what you'd do, pee your pants and suck your thumb, but I meant real men, what are they supposed to do?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, if you don't want to be punched by the negroe mob then maybe you don't drive your vehicle into a crowd of people (sorry, negroes). This does not count as self defense, not even for your supremacist peers.  

The white cunt started it and now he will get prosecuted, probably on one or more counts of assault with intention to kill, possibly he will be made an example of.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Stand in the middle of the road

Shocked when they get ran over

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AMWhy's picture

What's the white tit in the car with the gun doing at a protest in the first place?  He went there with intent, the dumb cunt.  There are so many fucked up white pricks in the USA it's a wonder these protests didn't start sooner.  

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WarlockGnome's picture

Man drives car into crowd of George Floyd protesters before ...

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL nice editing I assume....

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jdt73's picture

Ha ha !

Not white!

Who would have thought?


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is the article the pic was taken from, has anybody seen or heard something about the gunman being arrested?

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stokkebye's picture

Oh no Daftcunt, your narrative is going down the crap chute you fucking idiot! "Though it was previously reported that Fernandez is a member of Iron Workers Local Union #86, the charges say he currently works security at Nike Town in downtown Seattle, and was on his way there at the time of the shooting."  the victim reached into the car and grabbed the steering wheel, then punched Fernandez https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/prosecutors-say-man-who-shot-protester-on-capitol-hill-likely-provoked-the-incident/

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You are an angry little cunt, aren't you. The dumb motherfucker still drove his car into a crowd of people or at least attempted to. Unlike your peer that killed the woman when driving his car into the protest a while back he was not a white supremacist as I initially suspected from the footage, I'll give you that. 

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