What's in the MIC's pocket?


jdt73's picture

She is the only democrat from the primaries who could have beaten Trump in the 2020 election.

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skeptoid's picture

And that would have spelled the end of the neocon/neolib Hegelian lunatics, so it couldn't happen.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

thats insane! 

Trump: sure I like some pineapple on my burger once a while ....Tulsi: but, but.... but..... Trump: whats the deal with the hole in the pine anyways..... "puts tounge out" like that Tulsi? I'm TALKING ABOUT EATING YOUR ASS TULSI! 


Crowd cheers....... USA....USA.......USA, feed cuts: and now for a maraton of 1990 wraaastling, who is this... I can't belive it .... HULK HOGAN..... the hulksers back ladiers and gentlemen.

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skeptoid's picture

This is a great example of basically just the general membership of the hegelian cult. You see the orc-like thinking and behavior it's really unfortunate because there really isn't anything for us to compromise on with people like this. There is no compromise, by their choice, and there is no discussion. There is only the war, as Loki said.

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