"What a weak piece of sh*t"

skeptoid's picture

Biden’s Town Hall DISASTER

I forgot to add a description!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Chinese persecution of Muslims are just different cultural norms. According to Joe.


Canada has chosen to abstain it's opinion on Chinese Communist led genocide. Big surprise.

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skeptoid's picture

I think the chances are very high we'll see one of these detonated in a major city sometime over the next 10 years. 



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sato's picture

canada abstained? no canada officially declared it genocide. trudeau personally and much of his cabinet abstained, which is telling.



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lawngnome's picture

I bet all of those 266 voters (and the rest of us) are going to feel awefully stupid when it turns out to be "all just Falun Gong propganda"      *sarcasm

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lawngnome's picture

When Kamala takes over and really starts to turn the vice, any complaint or push back will be painted as sexist and extremist in nature.



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theblackswordsman's picture
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There is going to come a time where people will need to stop hoping for empathy from the anti whites. Right now we can still reach people. But, once they force out the gun control, that will be the only and last chance to make a stand for the constitution. 


In the mean time, don't be provoked by the sodomites in the white house. All they are doing right now is trying to provoke and demoralize the patriots. Save your strength.

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