What was Lockdown Like in China?

danmanjones's picture

What Was Lockdown Like In China? Daniel Dumbrill

A rare glimpse at China content from people who don't have a China Bad agenda. To the front page!


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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

god damn, you guys and the china stuff.

april fools was like opening the fucking flood gates.

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sato's picture

facts are facts, the agenda of the person presenting them doesn't stop them from being facts. "agenda" only gets brought up by people who want to cover up facts - "eating too much red meat causes earler heart disease" "you just have a vegan agenda" - here whether the person is a vegan or not or whether they're trying to reduce meat consumption or not, the statement is still true. same goes for all your ad hominem logic against completely valid criticism of china.


this pretty much supports everything serpentza said. people are using something that's true in some parts of china as if it's true for all parts of china, which as many have shown, it isn't. using this video as an example of "china good" is the same as saying because you didn't see any homeless people around the hotel in NY where you stayed, then there clearly isn't a homeless problem in the US.

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danmanjones's picture

You're way off the mark. This video makes it clear he's in Shenzhen. He talks about what happened in Wuhan which was different but since he knows people there he can compare/contrast. He also talks about what happened in a small village which was different again. A couple things are said that paint China with the same brush, mostly come from Kim because she's never lived there & she's hosting the interview. The guy who actually lives there is the one giving the real info. You're being misleading when you try to say this interview is agenda-driven & deliberately misleading.


You think it's "ad hominem logic" to mention that RFA is a CIA offshoot or China Uncensored is Falun Gong, or Serpentza/Laowhy86 are China Bad propaganda channels but these are easily proven. You could write the last one off to opinion if you'd like but IMO it's easily proven from the content they put out. They bend facts to suit their overarching China Bad narrative constantly & even lie about their motivation of "Chinese people good, CCP bad" when this contradicts the content they put out. Only foolish haters can't see through their BS.

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