The west's fault?

daftcunt's picture

"Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?" -Well that aged poorly!

If we don't assume Putin makes rational decisions, the whole perspective changes!

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danman's picture

at 3:30 TF completely misrepresented what Mearsheimer said

Mearsheimer said Putin's too smart to try & go on a rampage to reestablish the Soviet Union or Greater Russia. TF misquoted him as "Putin's much too smart to try & invade Ukraine".


This is not just a misquote, it's bad faith as fuck. As part of that segment that TF cut short to give his hot takes on ascribing logic, Mearsheimer said that Russia would wreck Ukraine rather than watch it fall into the west's hands & that "they showed us" what they'd do in Georgia - use military force to solve the problem if they feel they have to.


the fuck outa here with this disingenuous science nerd.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

sorry daft, got to it before ya :P

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danman's picture

different video. This one's a shitty attempt to refute Mearsheimer with sleazy editing & hot takes.


last I checked the original had over 15M views, Thunderfoot being the youtube grifter that he is couldn't resist making something with Mearsheimer in the thumbnail. $$$


edit: 20M views now. It's getting about 1M per day.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page


Getting all triggered when flaws in the argumentation are pointed out?

He literally only comments on how assuming Putin is making rational decisions is not the way to think. 


Neither should one assume rationality when "discussing" this issue with you.

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danman's picture

it's not a flaw, it's a bad faith misrepresentation

laugh all you want, it's you who looks foolish here.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"laugh all you want, it's you who looks foolish here."



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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

"He literally only comments on how assuming Putin is making rational decisions is not the way to think."


Thunderf00t telling people how to think? No....

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"Thunderf00t telling people how to think? No..."


Literally the opposite. But of course you don't get that.

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danman's picture

he literally does that in the video, right after misrepresenting what Mearsheimer said

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