We need a game changer for Ukraine


danman's picture

"there's propaganda on both sides" hardly seems fair considering how Russian media's been blackballed in the west while NATOstan's running the most intensive propaganda effort I've ever seen. Twitter accounts with 6 figure followings have vanished overnight simply for debunking western narrative & posting some more objective info about the conflict.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

oh, dantoid thanks........

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danman's picture

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skeptoid's picture

What's Putin's advantage with chemical weapons - why is it a tempting strategy that we're being warned he might use? Daft Cunt? What does Putin get from doing the one thing that's guaranteed to draw NATO into the conflict, something he doesn't want - the one thing Ukraine has been begging for as they become increasingly desperate?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

How much NATOstan propaganda is there in Russian media now?


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