an ok game but it's short. 6 missions with the main character progressing through the story and 6 shorter side mission that go along with the main missions with a character(class) of your choosing
(1 vote)
an ok game but it's short. 6 missions with the main character progressing through the story and 6 shorter side mission that go along with the main missions with a character(class) of your choosing
(Old Spike)
If i want to see it I'd look it up! ... dumb ass post!... Explaining the campaign at that... thought this was fanfiction! No, I didn't watch it, still...
You have to understand your face needs a fist.... dumb fucking post
Edit: holy fuck, someone had a little something something in his coffee last night... embarrassing! Gonna just leave this here as a reminder to myself even though I want to delete it with every fibre in my being! Apologies, don't know if that means anything to anyone, but still there it is.
(Old Spike)
listen. you're holding onto resentment from the past. what you said might not be the greatest but i understand where its coming from. you're thinking about those times, the things you could have said, the conversations that could have happened. you just happen to put it in the box and hit save. i get it. i posted things you didn't like, instead of explaining myself, i forced you to begrudgingly accept it. dick move on my part, sorry. that being said. you were never the reason i posted those things. for a time i might have enjoyed you're response to it but i would have posted them regardless of how you felt about them. it took me a bit before i realized you didn't get why i was doing it and i made the situation worse because i felt that i couldn't explain it to you without unintentionally explaining to the intended target, so i didn't. i could have done things better. sorry i let it get that far