Wailing & Tears over JBPs new book


Pantysoaker's picture
front page

THAT'S IT! I'm done with this chat. It's devolved into a mass of r-word copypastas and KEKW spam. The quality of Spiked chat has been declining for a while, but this is the last straw. That's it. I'm done. I'm uninstalling the internet, chopping off my dick and moving to Antarctica, at least the bacteria there will be smarter discourse.

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skeptoid's picture

I cannot believe my son is watching thousands of people typing nonsense in this chat. It is disturbing that small children today get influenced by it and type garbage like “LUL” & “KEKW”. What does it even mean and how do you find it funny? What do all of you people get by typing all day in chat? Grow up everybody and get a life..

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Don't know what you two are talking about but I particularly liked the part where the British guy gets his panties in a bunch over the crybaby millenials. They both talk the talk but who's gonna willingly set themselves up for litigation by firing the bebe-lalas with reason for termination: you're a wuss.  (Seriously, I want to know / show us how, please?).

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skeptoid's picture

Very few. A static legal fund for terminations probs.


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