Unclean, unfit, to be part of society - Gina was right

skeptoid's picture

Creeping COVID Fascism, Warns UK Host

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Who is the hippy? He has a point but

ppl are dieing because of the over full hospitals, vaccination prevents that.

By being vaccinated you save your own live and that of others.

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skeptoid's picture

The news told him that.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Are we arguing about facts? I think we are done talking stupid troll.

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skeptoid's picture

If it's on the news, its a fact.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I don't watch the news, came up with it myself, it was born out of logic and facts

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skeptoid's picture

That's not what you said a few days ago. There are people who need the vaccine but most don't need it - they're just being told to take it. I think you're afraid, you obey, and then you look around and want everyone else to be like you so you don't feel like such a coward. You think "Well, there are plenty blindly obeying without question, just like me, so we can't all be cowards." That's where you're wrong - I don't know about you specifically but anyone who makes a decision to comply based out of fear of reprisal or loss of comfort, rather than on what makes sense, what's decent, etc., is being cowardly and they know it.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

no it's on you

And you probably didnt wash your hands for 2 years because the government gave out notices to wash them, you do the opposite of what others want from you, you are being difficult because you can, you are a line stepper, not in line, just over the line stepper.

You call me a coward but you are affraid of a little prick, according to you, vaccinated should all have died a few months ago, the government conspiracy to wipe the population in some sort of genocide, and you call me scared, i took the shot because i have had covid and i don't want the symptoms a 2nd time.

You force me to explain myself why i took the shot, to what is clearly a fear mongering minority group.

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skeptoid's picture

The fear mongering group is the news channel that you watch and the people that are filling your head full of garbage and telling you to fill your body full of garbage that it doesn't need. They're making you afraid and then they're making you do something because you're afraid. That is fear-mongering. I am continuing to behave as normal. That is someone who is not succumbing to the fear mongering.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

So everything is normal for you? that is kinda fucked up, and contradictionary to the video's you post, and the things you say

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skeptoid's picture

No things are not normal as usual for me because of the fear mongering and the people like you that it has produced. You are part of an oppressive system unfolding in front of our eyes. I remember post 9/11 how those who warned about the changes said it didn't seem like too much but it was prep for something worse. I see what they meant now. Fuck I wish there were more people who were less suggestible and much more curious.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Are you some superior beeing, telling us what to be and how to think?

Then why did you say you continue to behave as normal?

We all affect each other, and are affected by the things around us, why would you claim that it does not with you?

There is no oppressive system, just comply at the situation given, and stop watching crazy conspiracy video's, they affect your oppinnion and thought process


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skeptoid's picture

What does it mean to "just comply at the situation given?" All you seem to be able to muster up is "Hey, there's an authority - obey them." That's all you seem to repeat over and over. People who do that are indeed trying to affect others - it's called authoritarianism. You're an authoritarian. I don't like authoritarianism. 


What crazy conspiracy videos do I watch? What's the conspiracy people like you and Daft Cunt keep referring to? I want to know, I keep asking, but no one who refers to it can articulate what it is. Don't you think that's strange?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Go with the flow, it's for your own good, you can say work is no good but what happens if you don't work?

Don't brush in against the hairs


Well the guy who wears winter hats indoors is a conspiracy nut for one, Jimmy Dore is the second

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