Ultra Vaxxed Israel getting nailed by COVID

skeptoid's picture

COVID Surges Among VACCINATED In Israel

Watch another expert explain to you very carefully how these vaccines don't work because they were based on a new technology. New technology....where have I heard that before....

Average: 2.8 (9 votes)


subroutine's picture
front page

it is pretty sad to see that you still dont get it...  you dont take the vaccine to get no infection... you get it in order to not die or have bad complications.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Not even close to what people were sold in the beginning.


To hell with it.Amazon.com: Oil Painting 'Rombouts Theodoor El Charlatan ...

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skeptoid's picture

I have antibodies so I guess I don't need to get the vaccine then right?


Why would you expect people who are focused on making decisions based on what's actually going on to ever listen to anything that you, and I mean you specifically, say about any subject regarding what a person should or shouldn't do? What's shocking and amazing is that any sizeable population would fall for this nonsense. Everything about the character of our leadership class and the state of society in general screamed that our current situation would be this outcome with the vaccines. 


This is where I thought we'd be and this is exactly where we are. You keep getting proven wrong over and over again repeatedly and yet you keep coming back to the poison trough. You're insane.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Vaccine can cause death or complications. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Just looked at the statistics, daily death rate is less that a third of that on the last peak in israel despite peak daily infections being higher than last time. Only 62% of the population are fully vaccinated, so someone is sweet talking their figures to make it look like "vaccines are bad" because it pleases the audience, lol.......

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

LOL, You didn't even consider that they adjusted their numbers down as their plan falls apart. Israel is over 80% if you were studying that figure a month ago you would know that. Real talk.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeeeeeees, they "adjusted their numbers" as part of the CONSPIRACYYYYYYYYYYY to trick people and make them compliant! THEY are after YOU, the vaccine contains a mind altering chip produced by microsoft. 


Trump won!




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skeptoid's picture

^ beginning to realize this guy can barely think at all. Holy shit.

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