Tulsi Destroys Biden

Pantysoaker's picture

What Happens Post-Trump?

she destroyed Harris, then she became the 47th president

Average: 5 (6 votes)


theblackswordsman's picture
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GKhan's picture

Just to confirm, no one really likes Biden, right? People just wanted Trump and the people who supported him out so bad that they were willing to vote for anyone. So I'm confused why so many are bashing Biden. He's not even going to run for a second term. He's basically done his job. Attacking him offers no value.


Plus he's such an easy target, it's almost embarrassing to bash him.

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skeptoid's picture
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daftcunt's picture
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oh look who escaped the facilities....

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Wev'e heard enough of you and your lies.


You are rebuked.

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daftcunt's picture
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trumptard ays he "promotes" free speech, tries to shut up others....


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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'm not the one passing laws or building coalitions to silence you. But I will use my free speech to challenge liars, hypocrites and fascists like you.


So laugh it up while you can. You manipulative little straw man builder.

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daftcunt's picture
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Oh dear, I would like to challenge you to point out where I lied.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'd like to challenge YOU to point out where I tried to silence you.


Last I checked, you are still talking. Unfortunately for the rest of us.

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daftcunt's picture
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So of course you can't. Again: figures!


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theblackswordsman's picture
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Of course YOU can't. Figures.

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daftcunt's picture
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Have you completely lost it now, simply parroting when you don't have any arguments? Probably. You need a holiday from your basement, go out into the real world for a change. It is quite colourful, doesn't smell so rotten neither.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Would love to if I wasn't under a fascist lockdown. Nazi papers required upon being asked and everything.


1000 dollar fine for violating stay at home order.



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daftcunt's picture
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Coming back to  my question: so you are in lockdown, that would give you plenty of time to find a comment or post where I lied (in non comedic or sarcastic fashion). Or keep on diverting, like a real trumper.....

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I don't think you understand what's real at all unfortunately. Which is too bad. The world needs intelligent people to help for the good of everyone.


Maybe you'll see when the death camps are in full swing. Maybe then you will shed a tear at what the world has become. Or maybe because you value your life more than liberty you will go along and not make a fuss.


Maybe you'll live a long time. Maybe the establishment will turn on you when you have outlived your usefullness.


I wish you well. But I'm focusing my efforts where they will be more fruitful. Take care.


God bless you.

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daftcunt's picture
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So you had the nerve to accuse me of lying but can't produce a single thread of evidence, challenged on it you just change topic rather than admitting you were incorrect. 


Again: figures.


PS "The world needs intelligent people to help for the good of everyone." I agree, although I wouldn't use the term "intelligent" but rather "talented", unfortunately you are not part of that group.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Alright, I'll level with you.


I'm upset with you, because I'm trying to help people, and trying to stop civil unrest and stop the madness from spiralling out of control. What is going on is bigger than you or me or any of us.


Yes, it is my fault for losing my temper, and flinging accusations. For that I whole heartedly apologize for giving into my emotions, and being an asshole.


I don't know if you are just trying to mock those with different views, or if you are trying to actually damage my attempts to inform people.


What I know, is that I want to prevent civil war at all costs, and trying to update my information as it rolls out.


You don't need to believe in me at all. But, if you believe in peace, we should try and come together for everyone's sake.

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daftcunt's picture
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Very much appreciated this response. If you want to help in "preventing a civil war" I would suggest you change your strategy. And some of your sources of information. As imho atm you are doing the opposite and you are praching to the wrong choir. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What I'm trying to explain, is that the most wicked people in the world are using your kindness against you.


There is nothing wrong with kindness, and fairness for all. But to entrust a government to that is what has been our downfall.


They are promising a utopia, but once they have purged Patriotism, the boot will come down on the neck of kind liberals.


With our different viewpoints we must unite, and change the world on the individual level, not the mandated level.


These are what "Crazy" people like myself have been alarming about for decades, yet many of us are not great at expressing ourselves.


For every point we raise, a lie has been created to combat and supress it. And liberal people are better Linguists than we are, and that why it feels like we speak different languages almost.


A plan was outlined. And I am open that it was a CIA psi op to make patriots complacent. This "Qanon" as they say. Maybe Trump was a fraud. Though in my humble opinion I doubt it. He tried to fight authoritarianism with classic patriotism from WWII era and before. The news demonized him as hitler.


He truely dispensed more personal liberty than he took. He had plans to strengthen the constitution further, but you can only do so much against a corrupt system.


I understand why you laugh at the American system. I don't think it's what our culture represented, it's what it's become. The deepstate eroded us for decades, even centuries. After the war of independence, we have been fighting a losing battle against corruption and global powers. But like everywhere, we have many good people that believe in the IDEA of a free world.


Either way, even though I'm locked in my house, I will try my best to communicate why state mandated liberalism is dangerous. But I do support liberal ideas of fairness and justice for all. It's just we as people have to do this. Not laws.


I believe, I am preaching to the correct choir. Because I'm trying to pry the evil agenda that is parasiting off humanities good intentions. Once we have seperated that, we can all fight with clear minds.


Call me crazy or hopeless. But I'm fighting for what I believe is right.


I'll try my best to provide an example. Shaming people for not wearing a mask for people's protection. That is constructive criticism from the people. That is individual change.


Merkel throwing anti maskers into camps, is evil. Hitler did the same things with the jews, for "Socially justified" reasons. 


Remember Band of brothers? When the Americans showed the German people the camps. They had no idea it was happening.


What happens to Patriots that go to the "re education camps" that the establishment news is seeding? What happens if they are not violent or racist, but just don't want their beliefs changed? They let them go right?

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daftcunt's picture
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"Merkel throwing anti maskers into camps" Where do you get this from?


How dare you compare people being mandated to wear PPE to the holocaust?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Found in 30 seconds. I'm sure I can find more if you like. If in 5 years I'm wrong, I will sob tears of joy I swear.


The issue with mandates my new found friend, is that they always mean "Do as I say or else."













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daftcunt's picture
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SO even in the links you stated this is described quite a bit differently than "Merkel throwing anti maskers into camps" but relates to people breaking repeatedly quarantine rules. Of course these people have to be contained in a pandemic situation.


Still no reason to even remotely compare this to concentration camps.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Well let's ask ourselves some honest questions.


Will they set off panic/resistance by calling them what they are IF they are concentration camps?


What are the conditions to LEAVING these camps?


What happens inside those camps?


The nazi's called them factories if I remember correctly. The people didn't know what they were until they were inside, and most of the German people had no idea they existed for what they were until the Allied forces showed them.


Let's also ask ourselves this. Where is the line in the sand? Can't just wait and see til they get there. By then it's too late.


At what point do we say no more power to the government over our lives?


I'm not advocating charging in with the freedom flags or pre emptive strikes. But it's good if we mastermind sound plans, stay informed, follow the narrative closely and let our communities know based on our findings.


By no means do I say do anything dangerous, harmful, illegal or unlawful. Those are poor ways to protect everyone's rights.



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daftcunt's picture
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I don't think it is clear how this is going to be implemented, if at all. It also not clear yet whether or not people that have been vaccinated will have more liberties than those that are not.


It remains to be seen, atm this is all propaganda nad fearmongering. This will probably only affect a few hundred people if it ever is acted upon.


I don't get why people like you always think the state is "after you". Most are not.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Call it a healthy mistrust. Coming from a place of best intentions. The wicked are clever, and I would rather be suspicious and wrong, than not paying attention and caught with my pants down.


Always be suspicious when your rights are infringed by authorities, even if it's for your safety.


It also doesn't help that new admin is rolling out some perverse stuff right now. I really think he is going to make Trump look good by comparison even to the biggest skeptics. His first 3 days are setting the tone for awful things to come.


Almost every president has been connected through secret societies, from the founding fathers to now. The only ones I know of that weren't were Kennedy and Trump. 


If you get into the conspiracy theory stuff, you can see their symbolism EVERYWHERE. and I don't mean just math tricks to make up numbers either. Washington D.C. London, and the Vatican are closely connected, Dictators have also been a part of these societies all over the world. The 1776 revolution was orchestrated and executed by these societies with connections all over Europe. At the highest levels it's theorized that they operate as Satan worshipers involved in cannabalism and sacrifice. Declassified documents have connected every level of government, social justice movements, industry, media, and department of justice to George Sorros. It's not good to have all the funding come from one place. It reeks of agenda.


Things are not as they seem. I believe the wicked destroy evidence and discredit those who seek to expose them.


Like I said earlier, the best I can do is research and bring up info as I find it.


Nothing better else to do right now anyway.


I also find it suspicious, that the most capable Intelligence agencies in the world need the help of the citizens to snitch on people for them, whether it be for investigations, or violating lockdown. This isn't healthy.

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sato's picture

it's a really good question. my take on it is that is is important to keep riding biden and specifically his party so they're forced to do better and actually help the country instead of just continuing to run it into the ground while they and their friends continue to make massive profits. it really is not ok to just let them coast for the next 4 years because at least he's not trump. people's lives get ruined in a lot less than 4 years.

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GKhan's picture

Right. And this makes sense. It's more the personal bashing vs policy choices. Well, maybe it will subside as people can now focus on the actual decisions he makes.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Terminating Keystone pipeline damaging relationship with Canada.


Allowing Transgender Men to Compete in Women's sports.


Appointing a mentally unstable, incompetent, and murderous Individual to oversee Health matters.


Allowing Jack Dorsey to Condone child Pornography and exploitation of children on Twitter as of Yesterday.


Decomissioning the Trump Wall.


Allowing Nancy Pelosi to purge political opposition.


Condoning Rules for Thee and Not For Me examples with himself and his allies regarding the "Pandemic"


Signing back up to the Paris accord as opposed to Coming up with more efficient climate policies.


Returning Funding to the incompetent and corrupt WHO.


Allowing transgender men to use women's washroom.


Throwing a party as Antifa now turns on them and continues burning cities and federal property.


Intending to allow unchecked illegal immigration into our borders.


Allowing the erosion of free speech.


Intending to come after 2nd amendment rights.


Plans to Purge Patriots from the Military structure so they control the political narrative to our last line of defense, and their enforcement wing.


That's day 1, and just getting started.


This isn't about, just dismantling the "Orange man bad policies" This is about destroying America and allowing the deepstate to rise in full sight and demonstrate to the people that they are in control, not the constitution.


And bear in mind. We haven't even got to the Conspiracy theory stuff yet. Which much of it is true.


Watch what else comes out.  No one will be able to blame Trump anymore. He's out of the picture now.



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GKhan's picture

Right. Good points to question his decisions on.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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One positive to all this time we have on our hands is that Iv'e been able to do a lot of research. If you got 2 hours to kill check this out. This outlines the globalist plan. Trump has no affiliation with these secret societies. He has been working tirelessly to dismantle them. Literally the entire system is corrupt. That's why every level of government has been attacking him relentlessly. They are only loyal to this Luciferian cult. If the "Rescue Plan" really is a psi op, or it fails. We are screwed. We will have no choice but to fight this on a community level. Their agenda, is openly accepted paedophelia, devil worship, and operating in plain sight. They will purge Christians, Jews, and Athiests from the world. That was the "liberal" agenda the whole time. Communism and fascism were Zionist experiments. By Zionist I don't mean israelites. Israel was not the problem, but their elites are. Kennedy was the last president that tried to stop it. He was killed for it. Lyndon Johnson was a member of this cult. So is Clinton, Obama, Bush. Our founding fathers were also freemasons, but if they were involved in the higher levels of this is impossible to tell.
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ubershin's picture

i pretty much wont evven care until 4 more yeras just bust a rand paul until we get trumps party

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The current politcal Blitzkrieg explained.
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