trump walks out of interview

sal9000's picture

Donald Trump Walks Out on '60 Minutes' — Full Interview | NowThis

"And when I finish, this country will be in a position like it hasn't been, maybe ever."


18 minutes in he talks about the health plans and how they cut the individual mandate out from the health care act.. which is "a requirement by law for certain persons to purchase or otherwise obtain a good or service". then he takes a sip of water from a cup while using two hands.


they let he see the book with all of trumps healthcare accomplishments. she opened it to a blank page

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ubershin's picture

does anyone even own a tv anymore other than to watch sports lol....

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pharb's picture


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stokkebye's picture

The Chinavirus is BS! It probably mutated into a less lethal strain and is not a concern anymore, BUT it makes for great news against Trump and the power hungry Democraps just love the POWER! If Trump can beat it ANYONE can! HA!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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Raining Blood's picture

thats not how biology works. take your family tree, if everyone in it is a retard and you hookup with a non-relative and that offspring isn't retarded. it doesnt do anything for the rest of the retards in your family that can still procreate.

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lawngnome's picture



He didn't walk out, it was a "Yeah, we're done here. You keep cutting me off and you're just trying to get a rise out of me".

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, what a twat.

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skeptoid's picture

Canada's health care system almost killed me - nothing to brag about here it's shameful.

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boldfart's picture

That is a failure that they are going to have to live with.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

how did it "almost kill" you?

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