Transport of the future?

daftcunt's picture

This town banned cars (except tiny electric ones)

I forgot to add the hottest day in history was July 6th! July '23 was declared the hottest month in recorded history. Ocean temperature is also at an all time high. 

Average: 5 (2 votes)


jdt73's picture

I hope Spain adopts this tomorrow.

Its way too hot to bother about a debate.

Post 38532 - JustPost: Virtually entertaining
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

good, an educated conversation with you is not possible anyway.

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jdt73's picture

Wow, its like you can read my mind. We might be twins.


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Benign Individual's picture

Surprised they get so few hours of performance out of it. Guess they are building the batteries to such a size that it fits the same performance time as the old ones, which I guess cuts down on weight.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

It's only hills m8..... and of course winter. =)


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