Time for Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition to Step Up!


skeptoid's picture

Given how much of a MASSIVE FAN of Peterson Bobbob is, I'd like to get his take on this message and Peterson's opposition to mandates. You've been very active on the site today so I expect a prompt reply.

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skeptoid's picture

Bobbob? When you started emailing me directly just over one year ago (one year into the pandemic) it was as an avid Jordan Peterson fan who was frankly tired of the shenanigans happening on Spiked Nation. Now you're an authoritarian who mocks JP and advocates the forced vaccination of those who won't obey. JP and I didn't change, so what happened to you, pal?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I see you've written me quite a bit on this site in the last 24h. Let me loop back and respond in sequence. I wouldn't want to do you the disservice of responding out-of-context or anything.

[Ok, I'm back / I hope you appreciate my responses to your other.. what.. bait or whatever.  The part above where you state an expectation for a prompt response is..  I don't know, man. Hopefully you can get a hobby or something.]


Regarding Dr. Jordan Peterson, as I know we're both fans. I first heard of him when I happened to stumble on one of his earlier videos.  2017 Personality 07: Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 1).  Brilliant stuff! And down the rabbit hole I went. That said, being a fan of a lot of his work, this never meant I subscribed to all of his ideas. And don't get me wrong I'm a biologist, so I actually get the whole lobster/hierarchy thing and it's a brilliant point! i.e that a creature we branched off from, evolutionarily. 350M years ago and modern-day humans woud still share the same seretonin-based reward/status system. With it being hard-wired into our primitive brain and nervous system with the more modern structures (mid-brain, frontal cortex, neo-cortex etc.) all added on later. You can give a lobster a seretonin uptake inhibitor and make him feel better - Brilliant! But, there are times the good doctor strays from his lane,.. really far from his lane..and his personal biases (and we ALL have them) become apparent. I'm in Quebec, so I like hydro power. Like many Canadians (including Ontarians) who sit on 2/3 of the world's freshwater supply (with our own biases), the thought of bitumen and fracking/dirty oil production is quasi-offensive. Peterson is an Alberta boy and goes back to his home town (Fairview) oftern enough to hear of their very real troubles. Oil production is dying. The province needs to innovate. They're hurting. And it's unfortunate that Dr. Peterson allowed his bias to trickle into his discussion with Rogan. A podcast I otherwise enjoyed pretty much. But he does still seem a bit tired. And now, in your video above, he's advocating what.. 'Seize the day'.. like Peter O'Toole and Jason Kenney will rewrite the Canadian constitution and somehow seize power from Trudeau or whatever... Just... Silly.  Anyway. That's me telling you I can like the man, and his work overall, without feeling committed to agreeing with everything he says, case in point. Still a good man, though. Like we said on your other post. It's about context. nuance. subtlety. You should try it sometime. (For Peterson. And other topics of debate). 

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danman's picture

> there are times the good doctor strays from his lane,.. really far from his lane

oh yeah. IMO this is a good 90% of what he does with his media stuff.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Agree with your first statement but not with the last. It's a fact that the more famous you get the more people will ask you your opinion on matters outside your wheelhouse. We're here on a relatively anonymous forum, sharing opinions we might not quite share otherwise (certainly not in the same way in any case / Long live Spiked!), and I think JBP may have given his opinion in some instances where he wasn't any more qualified than the next person. That said, he is a renowned clinical psychologist and his opinion on such matters including certain wider, societal implications shouldn't be dismissed outright.  Lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater is, I guess, what I'm saying.

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