they both lived


The Evil Bat's picture

So. I take it that the road markings (or 'zebra' crossing) just marks out a pedestrian crossing and not 'give way for pedestrians'

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

Yeah you can see she has the red stop sign. She literally just needed to wait for it to change.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Traffic lights supercede road markings. The zebra crossing is only "valid" when the traffic light does not work. 


This is by no means a reason to NOT to slow down when a pedestrian is on the road.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

not that i condone what she did but when i was in driving school i was taught that if you see a pedestrian on the road, no matter where, you slow down, stop and wait until they have passed...pedestrian is king..

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This rule goes for pretty much every participant in traffic, though, doesn't it.


If you see anyone violating traffic rules you don't honk and carry on, you brake. First action is accident avoidence.


I am pretty sure that almost everywhere a pedestrian crossing a red light is a misdemeanor.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

as i said...not that i condone what she did

'This rule goes for pretty much every participant in traffic' sure but pedestrian is still king..

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Hisoka's picture

Ask to speak with the manager, Sharon

Even when she ruined the delivery boy's scooter, stupid fucking bitch will probably sue.

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