Tarantino's 9'th official trailer


Maxpower's picture

There's the realer than real universe, alright, and all the characters inhabit that one. But then there's this movie universe. And so From Dusk Till DawnKill Bill, they all take place in this special movie universe. So basically when the characters of Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction, when they go to the movies, Kill Bill is what they go to see. From Dusk Till Dawn is what they see."

- Quentin Tarantino


Some of the scenes from this movie seem similar to movies he's already done. That part with him killing all the Nazis with a flamethrower is basically the end of Inglourious Basterds. Then there's the western shit. I wonder if this movie is placed in the "realer than real" category of his Tarantino-verse, and it will serve as a kind of "behind the scenes" of all his "movie universe" movies.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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why are they making Manson look like the bad guy?

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