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daftcunt's picture

Brass Against - Sofia Pisses on Fan @ Welcome to Rockville 2021

I forgot to add a nsfw!


EDIT video was removed so I replaced it with this one, looks even "better". 


imho the music matches the action.

Average: 5 (3 votes)


Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

now that's a front row seat.

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norcimo5's picture

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Um hello ? Social distancing much ? 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Found her RATM covers while back. Thought they were pretty good. 

Bitch is freaky. 


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

dint even know her, i think i am a fan to, plz piss in my face :)

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I'd rather be pissed off then pissed on!



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jdt73's picture

Well, that says it all.

Its not enough to produce shit for peoples ears.

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InsertCoin's picture

Nice stunt.  Reminds me of Rammstein.

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