More like Snow Woke and the extremely ugly evil Queen. Really nice to see AI being put to good use like this. You know..before the dark times. Wonder if this is why it rebels. Anyway...Enjoy.
(4 votes)
More like Snow Woke and the extremely ugly evil Queen. Really nice to see AI being put to good use like this. You know..before the dark times. Wonder if this is why it rebels. Anyway...Enjoy.
(Old Spike)
Don't care what people say, I like ugly!

(Old Spike)
I wonder why Jews recreate white fairytales like this?
It's not to make money.
(Site Administrator)
It's to make a lot of money, actually. It's always been about supply and demand. Sadly Disney's committed themselves to doing 'live' (yeah right) action redos of all their most beloved IPs. Started with that Lion King abortion they called a massive technical achievement.
(Old Spike)
You think they made Snow White brown to increase profits? I guess we'll find out.
I don't think that worked out for black Little Mermaid, gay stuff in Buzz Lightyear, what they've done to Start Wars, and so on.
(Site Administrator)
As an avid watcher (well...former avid watcher) of the world's longest running sci-fi series you don't need to convince me of studios mistake of virtue-signalling,.. pandering really.
What's worse is there is so much culturally rich source material waiting there for adaptation (myth, fables, history).
Regarding Doctor Who, famous internet troll Angrier Geek said it best when they changed him into a woman and then later on into a black gay man (paraphrasing): The whole point was that the Doctor was a member of high society. The patriarchy. But he rejected it! Setting an example for little boys everywhere. Enter Doctor Karen.
(Old Spike)
So why do you think they do it?
(Site Administrator)
Hey don't question it. Just reap the benefits of where society is at right now. I'm constantly reminding people I'm mixed race cause my dad's white and mom's..also white but..darker white.
(Old Spike)
i honestly think it's one more thing to distract us from the banking system, rich/poor, class thing. distracts a good few million people daily.
(Old Spike)
Why is it always Jews then? Shouldn't it just be rich people doing it?
(Site Administrator)
Ahem. @thegent - maybe. I dunno. But gonna leave this here for the young ones that don't know (yet) what else is behind it.