"Secret forces we can't see..."

skeptoid's picture

Tucker: Nothing like this has ever happened in our country

I catch a Tucker clip about once a month - but I hadn't seen one like this before, that features so much typical fair from MSNBC. Is that normal for MSNBC? Is that actually how the personalities talk about events. This is absolute lunacy. Rabbit holes - MSNBC appears to be a shit show of deep conspiracy and paranoia. If that's all the woke brigade watch no wonder they can't think sanely. Wow.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Very good. The establishment buckles.


Press the attack.


Expand into every system and start agitating from the roots up. They subverted it from the ground up, now it's just a matter of ignoring intimidation and plucking the horses tail one hair at a time.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Complains about people posting shit from vox, posts shit from fox, figures.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Well, if you're going to complain about every letter typed and every breath of oxygen you percieve as stolen from you, then yeah, we'll drop our grievances in the comment box too.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

go and watch some more alex jones, you clearly are not disturbed enough!

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

If you can remember back in your early school days. Did you have mandatory sing song time that all the children were expected/coerced to participate in led by the teachers?


If so, did you enjoy it? Or did you see the struggle session for what it was?


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

No we don't have that in the developed world.


We don't have to listen to the national anthem neither at school or at local/national events etc.

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skeptoid's picture

I wasn't complaining about you posting from Vox - I was pointing out what it says about how you think. Vox is hegelian - they are wokeist, Daft Cunt. This is what the founder of Vox sounds like (pick any part of the interview and just listen to him speak for 30 seconds):



The followers of Hegel reject the enlightenment and all that came from it - all of the freedoms, rights, and principles that underlie Western civilization. Both Nazi Germany and the Communist death fields of the past century extend out of Hegel. The clips I post here come from sources that are not aligned with that batshit crazy belief system, and exist somewhere on the traditional political spectrum that holds dear the accomplishments of the enlightment and the principles of Western freedom and value you seem to take for granted, weather it's Russell Brand or Tucker Carlson. Ideally they are committed to a genuine pursuit of truth - of understanding what's actually going on - which is an idea that Hegelianism, wokeism, Vox utterly reject. Hegelianism/Wokeism advocates anti-truth for power and dialectical chaos - constant conflict, constant battle, a rapid evolution of natural selection towards the ideal state of man. In other words the maximization of suffering and death - secular academics without a hint of religious belief in them describe wokeism in practice as most comparable to Satanism or an extremely warped form of Catholicism.


Do you really not know the academic and historical underpinnings of the political narratives you promote here on the site? Seriously, are you that dumb? 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now please remember: The message of the post that included the vox video was clearly stated as the link in the description (a report summarising the current state of ivermectin research regarding covid and lack of evidence that it is useful in this respect). The video still is very interesting and has nothing to do with wokeism or hegelism. This must have been the only time I used a vox video, you otoh constantly complain about msm and then post from THE most notorious fake news channel, lol.


Which one of your internet prophets/gurus introduced you to that hegel shit anyway?

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skeptoid's picture

"Which one of your internet prophets/gurus introduced you to that hegel shit anyway?"


That's a funny way to address the topic while not discussing the topic. Nevermind where I learned about how far back this goes and how solidly your wokeist beliefs are tied to the tragedies of the 20th Century. Hegelians believe in co-opting the authority of science and the zealotry of religion (redirected towards the state). When a hegelian says "science", what they mean is "some elites go behind a closed door, make decisions based on the group dynamics of the dialectical struggle towards the ideal state of man, and then emerge and communicate a party line that the population must follow under threat of penalty" while claiming "this is what the science shows, we're following the science." They mean social science as much as they mean hard science - they fundamentally reject empiricism and the actual scientific method.


Everything you post here, and all of the comments you make here on this site, regarding science, society and public policy aligns with their overall methods and their daily talking points, line for line, as the party issues it's public statements. Almost in real time. Is that because you watch Vox, MSNBC, CNN - the wokeism fake news channels?


Fox News was the first major network to abandon journalism ethics in the early 2000s, followed quickly by CNN, to align with the economic interests of the military industrial complex, which controls the neocon/neolib establishment represented by the Bushes, Clintons, Obama (probably the most talented and impressive propagandist the US has ever seen in a President) and most of the American bureaucracy after two decades of steady deterioration of principle and integrity. You see Fox News in terms of left-right, when what's happened recently is a shift towards an alliance between the hegelian cultural wokeists, and the neocon/neolib establishment. They see how they can complement and use each other for their mutual goal - the acquisition of power, control of the population. The divide is no longer left-right as much as it is up-down. Wokeism is so authoritarian it's practically right off the scale, and the elites like what they see. FOX, but much more the alternative media, now represent the downwing (libertarian) and the rest of the MSM represents the upwing (authoritarians). You vaguely see FOX and the alternative media opposing the same policies and messages coming from the wokeist MSM and you think you're seeing a contest between right (FOX and the alternative media) and left (the rest of the MSM) when what you're actually seeing is a contest between the down (FOX and the alternative media, who DO NOT align) and the up (a neocon/neolib/wokeist/bureaucratic cabal that controls the majority of traditional media).


FOX doesn't have a wokeist component and their brand would never survive it's existence on their network - only the non-FOX networks can exploit wokeism which is why you see it in every MSM news outlet with almost no exception except FOX, and is why you see so much alternative media, unaligned to FOX or any of the wokeist MSM channels. I can tell you only watch the wokeist content because one of its key messaging points is that all of the alternative media channels are like FOX and "alt-right" and people like you, Raining Blood, most of the German idealists here it would seem, believe that and don't even try to verify whether it's true or not. I think you all know what would happen if you actually ventured outside your bubbles, and who wants to be ostracized? LOL I've seen this so often - you're all holding each other hostage and probably deeply hate each other. I let go of that cowardice many decades a go, and it's been a wonderful ride. I wouldn't change it for anything.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I know what "hegelianism" is, I asked a few times before who put you onto this as you definitely didn't make the "connections" yourself and it only started recently. Of course anyone not agreeing with your weird and conspiracyladen worldview is "woke" and "hegelian".


When in fact the term "hegelian" applies to you and your peers: "Accepting an authority's opinion without scrutiny." However your "authority" is "chosen by you" because of your mistrust of a working AND ACTUALLY scrutinised system, of course based on your bias. This is true for all your "scientific" pets. Your "experts"  do not input into the existing and working system but distribute their "theories" via incompetent channels all aimed at a "special" audience. Your claims that you "digest and understand" what it is about are the definition of being "woke", just in what you think is a scientific sense, in reality you actually happily reside on the peak of mount stupid.


This is what is so hillarious about you, I actually start to entertain the hypothesis that you are a perfect troll, posing as  a deluded to (borderline) "mentally ill" tinfoil hat wearer. If this is correct I must say kudos to you, this must have been so entertaining to you!


Also I understand you post fox because it is "antiwoke". lol nice excuse



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skeptoid's picture

I don't post Fox specifically because it's anti-woke. I don't entertain anything that isn't based on enlightenment principles. I don't have an authority that I turn to to tell me what to think like you do Daft Cunt. The fact is as loud as they are the woke mob isn't much of a mob at all, as you know, and consists of a relatively small portion of the population, kind of a special audience if you will. But their tactics are very effective in terms of capturing public spaces and communication. There's no morality or ethics or guilt with hegelianism so that opens up a lot of options for people like you. I've been describing hegelianism for over a decade without realizing what it's called and that  what I was seeing was actually rooted in an anti-christian dogma going back to a singular vision from the early 1800's (a guy who thought atoms were like billiard balls) that's attempting to build a Utopia through suffering. Basically an insane cult, although it's formation is not unexpected in the face of what Peterson calls the Neitzschean dilemma.


I could see the satanic aspects and the manipulation and the commitment to dishonesty but I didn't know that all of this had been codified by this guy Hegel and that these people were actually following a specific kind of established lunacy. I thought wokeism was a modern thing but understand now that it is simply the furthest extension of dialectical Hegelianism, which constantly reinvents itself as good people defeat it over and over, or don't (see China). Realizing how far back it goes and the impact this lunacy has had in terms of suffering over the past century, how much of the death and pain we've experienced has come specifically from German idealism, has me questioning my former hypothesis that the rise of wokeism is largely an emergent phenomenon. It IS emergent in the sense that the Neitzschean dilemma creates a space where such a thing is possible, even likely, but it's been carefully manipulated and spiked consciously by German idealism and its followers who, with Marcuso's wokeism, have built a satanic doctrine and framework around the dilemma to exploit it for maximum suffering. They see the potential to shape the dilemma as it unfolds for their own twisted, often very personal, benefit. It wouldn't be possible without people like you. So you do serve a function of some kind. I wonder sometimes if shoe scum like you and your friends may be necessary for some vital evolutionary process.


It's very simple. Even at this stage in my life I continue to be surprised by the depths of self-deception and cognitive dissonance folks like you are willing to engage in. I'm still surprised after all this time and it seems like there's no bottom for weird throwbacks like you, who just can't seem to wrap their minds around how the rest of humanity has evolved. It's kind of sad actually. In the end when it's all said and done all I really have for you and your group of lost souls is pity. 


Oh and it's not the system that I don't trust it's the people in positions of power within the system. The system we have is based on Western enlightenment principles. It's obvious that the people running the system have become increasingly corrupt and also hold a belief system entirely at odds with the system itself. So they are working from within to essentially rip the entire system down to the ground as is preached by the hegelian religion. If you know what hegelianism is then you know what I'm saying is true and the fact that you refuse to specifically talk about the belief system itself shows me that I have been exactly right about you and you're incredible lunacy. The reason you keep asking me to tell you who put me on to Hegel is because in your mind you can only criticize by pointing to something else or appealing to authority or smearing some personality that stands as a threat to your belief system and then associating me with that personality and that smear. Nowhere in here does the option to actually have a conversation about what you believe exist. It doesn't exist because you know that there is no conversation to be had. You are hegelian and you are devoted to suffering and death and destruction and chaos. You respect no system and you respect no process. You simply pay lip service to these things while gas lighting those who do not believe as you do like a good little hegelian. I'm sorry to tell you that history will not remember you fondly. History will not remember you at all. There will be no judgment at all, whatsoever, for you and nothing that you do here will be rewarded externally by someone else or something else or internally by yourself. You'll never feel satisfied or a sense of contentment with your life and what you've accomplished in your life and most importantly how you behaved and treated others in your life. You are utterly doomed, and you know that you've chosen to be utterly doomed, and what we see here is you living that out. Poor guy.

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