Scarborough Bluffs Trespass fines

sal9000's picture

Scarborough Bluffs trespassers risk safety, hefty fines for photo ops

link below is a video of a cop yelling at people to line up and get their id ready for a 5,000$ ticket


Average: 5 (2 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, 5k fine, please line up...... 


tbh they should put a fence up high enough to stop children to get access and simply refuse rescue and treatment to those that fell if they are unwilling or incapable to pay for it out of their own pocket.


Also a good approach towards antivaxxers in emergency rooms (your religion doesn't permit you to get vaccinated, well, ask your pastor to cure you). 

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stokkebye's picture

Something like has happened before, in a small town in the south the people had to pay a firefighters fee and when someone's house cuaght on fire that didnt pay they just made sure the fire didnt spread and watched the house burn down. Pretty fucked. 

Hey I found the video:


Seems it happened again a year later:

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

if they put a fence up they cant write people fines for trespassing, thats the whole point

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stokkebye's picture

What a fucking nanny state, is the Canadian Gov going to put up fencing along every single cliff in the whole country? Or just wrap their citizens in bubble wrap? 

People have been standing on those cliffs for thousands of years, but now the government knows best and wont allow the people to stand there cuz they know best. 

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