Rowan Atkinson - Free Speech

Bobbob's picture

In full: Rowan Atkinson on free speech

Lord Blackadder gets it: 'For me, the best way to increase society's resistance to insulting or offensive speech, is to allow a lot more of it. As with childhood diseases, you can better resist those germs to which you have been exposed.  We need to build our immunity to taking offense so that we can better deal with the issues that justify criticism and offense."

Average: 4.4 (7 votes)


3pointdog's picture

Who the fuck down voted you? 1 vote against Free Speech? WTF? CCP invasion.

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sato's picture

there's a special breed of idiot who can't judge a post by its merits, and instead just votes down any post by someone they dislike because that person doesn't agree with them on anything.

note how those voting 1 have nothing to say on the video content here in the comments.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Thanks 3pt and Sato, both, for bringing the score back up on what I think is a nicely formulated argument by Atkinson. As for the initial downvote, I just assumed some poor sod was upset; expecting a clip of 'Mr.Bean goes to parliament' or something.  I have noticed a systematic down-voting of some Spiked members' submissions previously, so this just encourages me to take the time and vote honestly on the videos I watch.  Peace.

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