Regret nothing!

daftcunt's picture

Regret Nothing Dont Drink and Drive

I forgot not to drink while driving!

Average: 5 (5 votes)


skeptoid's picture

You're so pathetic sometimes. People like the rust videos and don't give a fuck about your beef with me. Grow up.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page



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skeptoid's picture

5/5 Grow up.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page


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skeptoid's picture

Imagine your favourite cookie:


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Cahu's picture

I like this exchange, it's like no one really knows whats going on, but there is still the intention to have some kind of conversation

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Trevicahn's picture

Agreed.  There's obviously romance involved. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

As far as I am concerned mostly amusement, pity and a little disgust (like the feeling you get when you are burping and a tiny bit of vomit reaches the upper throat).

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Even if this may make me seem like I suffer from some kind of OCD, again: dafuck?

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skeptoid's picture

You need a hobby or something. This isn't healthy for you Daftcunt. This isn't your hobby is it?

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Ziggy's picture

Just fuck already..

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