"R U forgetting wut U said 2 minutes ago?"


monkeymania's picture

Biden is a goof. Trump is a special needs 3rd grade-level moron. Trump is just an inept embarrassment. People who support him are enemies of this country. He has to go. He is meddling with the postal system and doing everything he can to win the election. I hope there is a military sniper unit prepared to drop that fucker if he tries to hack the election.


How the fuck could someone be this stupid? Just one example of the endless Trump insanity:


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skeptoid's picture

I sense panic and desperation. Are you okay?

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skeptoid's picture
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skeptoid's picture

Oh dear - you should have listened to Mr. Rogers. You are so angry that when you deployed your proxy sock accounts to kill three downvotes on one of your bafflingly idiotic comments you immediately posted and forgot to switch back to your MonkeyMania account, Charles Martel.




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monkeymania's picture

You OK? Get a hobby. You just aren't right.

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skeptoid's picture

Pretty weak to show your slip like that Charles. You don't feel pathetic? Are u paid to humiliate yourself?

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sato's picture

all correct. the problem is the entire democratic party is corrupt. if you vote for biden it just ensures we'll never get a president who works for the american people.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Interesting, the "entire" democratic party is corrupt. Would you care to back that up with some sort of evidence and please, as it is the "entire" party, exclude usual suspects like the clintons.

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monkeymania's picture

The entire political system is corrupt at this point unfortunately.

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