

daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

America has 3 problems:


A sore loser trying to hinder hand over with every bit of force he has left.

A sore loser that still has access to highly classified information and nobody knows what he will use it for in the future.

A past of 4 years of an inept government leader changing high ranking staff as if they were underwear who still keeps doing it when the game is over in what now looks like an attempt of a (bodged of course) coup. This is like the captain of the titanic firing his machinist when the ship is at a 45 degree angle soas to get the ship straight again.


The comedy continues, who told you this would be weeks of fun for us?

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skeptoid's picture

Underwear? You're the kind of well-cured moron crony globalism and the US MIC relies on.

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stokkebye's picture

Random Gif Thread

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Dagambit's picture

firing war mongers and pulling out of Afghanistan is bad why?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Because Trump made the call that's why.

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