PUBG | Chinese PUBG ad (Translated to English)


lawngnome's picture

China #1 at ruining modern games, there's so many of them. 

I rag on those shit pingers so much in BF. 
I start telling people about Falun Gong organs, Gutter Oil (Di Gou You), and their solo oversea military base.

When they start acting up I say that I will call their mother and send them to cyber junky hospital. 

Fuuuuuuuuck China

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bronobo's picture

but is china not number 1? all these people can't be wrong, right?

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danmanjones's picture

Fuck yeah dude, everyone knows Taiwan #1

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

This game is waiting for at least a 50% sale on Steam from me.

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Dhagon's picture

Damn now I kind of want to play it just to see how bad it's gotten. Russian players tended to fuck up Dayz back in the day and a few other Steam standalone Half Life mods and F2P games, but I've heard this is worse. I played with some Chinese nationals during Nostalrius Vanilla WoW before it got shut down and--with the exception of the gold sellers--they were ok enough, maybe I got lucky. 

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Grothesk's picture

Surprisingly enough, Chinese players are not a problem on Dota's goddamn Russians and Peruvians.

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The Evil Bat's picture

I do not believe the legitimacy of this add. All Chinese players an not one hacker? Lies.

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