Proud Boys leader was FBI informant

sal9000's picture

EXCLUSIVE: Proud Boys leader was FBI informant

if by chance its not true and the law was putting it out there hoping it would kill the movement and possible get Tarrio killed by another member, well played johnny law

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theblackswordsman's picture
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So now you want to see people die? Supporting the authorities IF they lie. Radicalization escalating. True colors revealed.


I'm going to warn you once. If you call for violence again I'm filing a complaint.

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sal9000's picture
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if that what you took from what i wrote, i don't need any warnings, go make your complaint

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theblackswordsman's picture
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This is what I took from your quote. You are cheering for someone's death, you are supporting radical actions, and you are supporting establishment corruption.


If that's not what you intended, then explain it to us.

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sal9000's picture
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got to respect a good chess move. i have no reason to speculate that tarrio wasn't a fbi informant. i haven't read anything or watched anything that says any different, but if you want to to kill a movement, what better way? nobody is going to trust him now, and if anyone kills him or tries, it ruins anything they have said about being non-violent. getting two birds stoned at once

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theblackswordsman's picture
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A better way to kill a violent movement is with kindness, truth, and morals.


Violence only begets violence. If a movement is radical, and you kill it's leader, all it does is make him a martyre and drive recruitment. Maybe not with in the PB's themselves neccessarily, but it can sprout and multiply other movements, then it goes from uniformed and centralized to not recognizable, hidden, and sporatic all over the place.


And within the PB's themselves, if they turn on him because he is not trustworthy, then the leadership may be replaced by someone worse.


Or here is a nightmare scenario. What if they disband their name and uniforms.


And call themselves Socialists. Not THE socialists. Just Socialists. Then what is the government going to do? Call Socialists a terrorist organization?


I don't think that would go over well.

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skeptoid's picture

Why do you think the proud boys would hate the fbi? The fact that you have murder in your heart is not really an issue. You're a dime a dozen but I'm seriously wondering where you get the idea that the proud boys would kill one of their members because he assisted the FBI in an investigation? You watch a lot of trump supporter content so I figure you would understand this better than most.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You talking to me or sal?

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skeptoid's picture

Sorry Sal - the story claims he helped apprehend a human trafficker. Why would this put him in danger with the Proud Boys?

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sal9000's picture
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fbi informant. its pretty obvious

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skeptoid's picture

Still not seeing it.

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sal9000's picture
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gang member gets arrested by the police and immediatly get released without any paper work. does the gang kill him?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Assuming it's a gang lol

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sal9000's picture
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informants get killed all the time. cops that rat on cops, friends that rat on friends. if the proud boys are comprised of law abiding citizen he's got no problems.

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skeptoid's picture

The informant work he did was back in 2012 after he was arrested - it more like cooperating with the FBI to incriminate other criminals, and the information I have (and it's probably incomplete) is that it was related to human trafficking.


The Proud Boys aren't a gang, nor are they strictly ideological - they seem to be drawn together out of shared hatred of left wing authoritarianism, which isn't to say they don't have in their ranks an influencial contingent of right wing authoritarians, but the ideological makeup of the group is diverse enough that the gang dynamics you'd typically see in a something like an Antifa cell or Islamic terry cell or Charlotsville hoodies or some urban street gang selling drugs and dominating specific neighborhoods just isn't present. Why wouldn't you just as soon expect his fellow Proud Boys members to clap him on the back for helping to get sex slavers off the street? And his relationship with the FBI would make it easier for the Proud Boys org to quickly identify and bar or purge known ideological white supremacists from associating with their org?


Seems like there's a lot of upsides to it - I don't get what the downside would be, unless you think the FBI truly is a corrupt organization owned and run by the MIC and bureaucrat perm state, an extension of the neocon/neolib cabal that secured almost complete control of American politics post-9/11, or you believe the Proud Boys monolithically perceive the FBI to be "in-the-bag" for the far left and corrupt institutional media and would therefore view him as a traitor rat? 


Are the FBI the good guys or the bad guys, sal? Do the Proud Boys view them as the bad guys? A high ranking FBI dude said in 2018 are not even extremist let alone terrorists.


Here is the first sentence of the Wikpedia entry on the Proud Boys:


The Proud Boys is a far-rightneo-fascist, and male-only white nationalist political organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States and Canada.


Here's my understanding: The Proud Boys are a deliberately misogynistic club that exludes women and opposes the authoritarian gang violence of organizations like Antifa. The Proud Boys membership has no other exclusions but members are required to make a pledge to traditional western values. As such, the Proud Boys does include persons sympathetic to the European Ethnic Pride movement, which is at the very least bigoted if not starkly racist.


I can confirm that 94 Euro Ethnic Pride racists, many of them German for some FUCKING REASON, were triggered by the following clip:



The only thing I've ever noticed that the Proud Boys membership have in common is agreement that they really don't like Antifa, especially the swarming of individuals and the weak by Antifa mobs. However, in opposing Antifa directly they inevitably end up in pitched street battles that don't look much different from a street gang fight, so I understand why it just looks like gangs fighting on the surface. 


Btw, I have been non-plussed by Pool's coverage of the Proud Boys. On the one hand he'll say "Responding to violence with violence is a no-win" but then he'll kind of gush over videos where a few Proud Boys stomp the shit out of twice as many soy skinnies. I get that Tim's anti-authoritarian but as soon as your in his position and you start enthusiastically "calling the fight" you're now in the thing instead of just reporting on it.

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sal9000's picture
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well, i put off the comment long enough and now theres an article out about it not sure when you'll see it but its the 'Snitch' Proud Boys leader faces backlash from some followers over his past as FBI informant article. its kind of what i meant, but i was going to go into how regardless of the group, you'll have people who will feel that he's a rat no matter the intention behind his informing. he can't be trusted.


he might have also had people brag to him about some criminal stuff they did. people talk. now they found out one of them was an informant. thats a death sentence in the criminal world.


i haven't seen this yet, but its suppose to be about the role proud boys played in the capitol riot, .some people might think he instigated them into it but thats just wild thoughts. but some people are crazy

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Assuming they are criminals.

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daftcunt's picture
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Now you have really gone full skeptoid!

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skeptoid's picture

You are irony manifest. Why do you live in Spain?

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