Proper Right Wing speech


BabyDuckling's picture

none of the bullshit "omg nfl"  or "omg my inauguration had a bigger crowd".



pieces of shit like FullAuto and that Alex Jones bitch Skeptoid desputed that image.  that is a FOIA (Freedom of information act)  image.  It took 4 months to get them to release those images.

Yes Trump lied when he said his crowd was bigger you dumb fucks.  Skeptoid is so fucking stupid, it took a  FOIA to make what was right true.  You and FullAuto are so fucking dumb.

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skeptoid's picture

I never disputed that image. You are truly a fountain of fake news lol.

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BabyDuckling's picture


Only a FUCKING IDIOT would believe those words.  and they did, then they went on to condone and promote Nazi racist white power bullshit.  Then people like Full Auto killed someone named Heather Heyer:

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skeptoid's picture

My God - it's full of stars...!

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

You still sure this isn't Berg?

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skeptoid's picture

Yes - I am still sure. Notice that without Berg and "the rest of us" the Duckling's posts just kind of sit there doing nothing. Perhaps Putt is trolled into responding but otherwise, nothing happening. You see, no Berg = no patronizing buffing of Baby's posts. It's just the Duckling and eh flapping in the wind out there. SAD! Instead of all this horseshit they should post Jimmy Dore videos - don't understand why they don't if they claim to care so much about opposing monsters. 


I mean, McCain? The senile old fart who wants nuclear war with Russia and represents an elitist neocon agenda that doesn't really distinguish between Republican and Democrat in any meaningful sense, or conservative and progressive? That's the proper example? Either someone's been terribly duped here or this is all just for shits and giggles.

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