Project Veritas raided by FBI over Biden's daughter diary and allegations of molestation

stokkebye's picture

FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists’ Homes

FBI raids a media outlet and asks them NOT to tell anyone! Do we now live in North Korea? WTF! This is Joe Biden's America!

Link to diary:


Seems like she started the diary from a drug rehab program. Crack, she's another crackhead Biden.

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stokkebye's picture

Some creepy Joe Biden: gifs

Joe Biden Creepy GIF - Joe Biden Creepy Smile - Discover & Share GIFs

Creepy Joe Biden - #26 by Soup_and_Beer - Otherground - - Forums

gif of the moment | Creepy Joe Biden | Know Your Meme

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If you arn't being attacked you are not a threat.

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stokkebye's picture

Very true!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

How shit i knew there was something funky about that guy, he told me he did not like me, i don't feel so bad about it now, i totaly believe this.

Maybe kids are the only ones impressed by his penis.

Anyway just another one term president, maybe he makes ppl storm the capitol and refuses to resign

This is going great so far all their shit spills on the streets, and i worked with these morons for 30 years, for being normal and balanced they spit me out, there is not a task they can not fuck up one way or another, and they all are filty rich from sucking eachothers dicks and loaning out their own kids.

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sato's picture

sorry who did you work with for 30 years?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique


Masonic order

Scottish Rite


And where is his daughter denying this?

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skeptoid's picture

The Dude has been claiming for some time to be an astral-projecting new age sage who has worked for three decades with various US government agencies including the CIA and the FBI.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

o there are alot more agencies but we identified ourselves to the cops or court as FBI or CIA, we also rip off the bigger maffia gangs, and such, the organization stretches over the globe with thousands of workers, every big tech company or large corporation of any kind is in it, lets just say that if you are succesful you get contacted even celebs or pornstars, they get wishes, we all do, for instance if Johnny wants to have sex with Madonna or Obama with Beyonce we arrange that, disease is none existent there first they can do a blood analisis in 5 seconds with a machine the size of a mini gameboy, and we have pills that kill diseases with one intake, 1 (bigger) pill to kill hepatitis for instance, reason they don't give it free? the earth is over populated. 

We deal and work with aliens on a daily base. Star Wars and Star Trek are real so is Star Gate and Time Travel movies besides the fake Terminator and Back To The future but they did make those movies, i can go on for days explaining it all, most is better kept secret

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Some kernels of truth in there. 


Almost all blockbuster films are created by the elite. Symbolism is true and verifiable. 


They don't use pills though. They use natural medicine that's been around thousands of years. Pills, radiation and surgery is for the slaves.


They don't use money at the very top. They wouldn't touch fiat made for slaves. They use blackmail, ancient forms of memetics, and influence. If something they need demands money, their agents touch it. Not them. 


Earth isn't overpopulated. We can sustain 1000 times our population with better management. I.E. non neaurotic earth worshipping luciferian psychopaths.


Fossil fuels are renewable, Co2 emissions are actually tree food. Global warming is cyclical and it will in fact increase bio diversity and allow us to utilize arctic regions that are near useless to us in a frozen state. The reason environmentalists have just started fear mongering about the "need" to cut down trees and bury them is 1. Because progressives are stupid and easily manipulated. and 2. Is actually to begin seeding new oil  deposits to be tapped in the distant future.


Stargate is not verifiable. Looking glass is. Terminator and body snatchers are far more likely scenarios than the others mentioned.


If you worked for them, you wouldn't be breathing. If you still "work" for them you would have far more important matters to attend to than wasting time here with the slaves, especially now that their plans are hitting crucial points.


You would be still pushing vaxx. (Got that part right.) But you wouldn't be vaccinated.


I read a much better troll that was actually very well informed about hidden history nuggets.


What gave him away however was that his level of literacy was absolutely unnacceptable for their level of language comprehension.


It was good, but not as good as some of the real ones that I have read.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Listen i even have been in the hunger games entertainment for the elite, for a minute or 15 then they tought i was destabilising the entire thing, the pills are real i have taken them, i have met the characters of Starwars including Yoda, my lightsaber flashed every color, as if it could not decide, other then that i never seen a starwars movie in my life, only pieces, and have been trough the stargate on many occasions, it looks exactly like the set, and the earth is overpopulated. And most of us live (normal) lives, other then most being orphans.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If you believe the earth is over populated, then you are what we call a PPP. Perfectly Programmed Person.


We got massive camps going up all over the world. Gas chambers and very modern looking guillotines.


At first I thought people sent there will be mining resources. But no. A small percentage will be reeducated to view Government as a supreme moral authority and worship the earth.


The rest are to atone for their "sins" against the earth.



Globalist Depopulation Agenda: Army stockpiling guillotines...

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

could be... even been subject to programming under drugs and hypnosis, just like the guy from infowars can't come up with his name, i programmed him to act like a monkey, with the exact sound, at the time it looked funny.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The question is. If an assault team kicks your door down. Will you get on the trucks? Or will you try and take one with you?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I am still being watched and valued, made some great strides in technology, anti missile anti nukes and more, just weeks ago i gave it to them, in development now.

Kind of work there, it is complicated, internal war and such that i started

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skeptoid's picture

Are you saying that you are a member of the breakaway civilization Richard Dolan has hypothesized could exist and be an explanation for many of the UFO sightings that have been seen over the many decades?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

if you mean by civilization - government they yes i guess

As long as ppl are not ready they would not be informed, look what happened with toilet paper and covid, this is not just based on our but other civilizations in the past.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Well aware of the new great leap forward planned. Measures are already being taken to provide our own goods on a community by community level. They'll starve the progressives but the vast majority of patriots are way ahead.


Starving us will fail. So will civil war. 


The Black sun is very displeased with our non compliance, aggressive passive protests, conversion of law enforcement to our side, and refusal to give ground to government to ratchet up the aggression.


We also know about the impending bio weapons and upcomming false flags. The 100 stolen suitcase nukes from Russia have also been recovered and dismantled as well. Yes, they found every one hidden within the major population centers across the globe. Most in the States.


In the end. They will be dragged from the bunkers and put to the sword. I wonder if we'll find all 13 members hiding together, or seperately.


"They must always believe they are unequal, because together they can vanquish us."


We'll be sure to thank them for the tip.


Have you noticed something a bit strange about the whitehouse puppets lately? I mean, more strange than usual? :)

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Acctualy the presidents are all stand up guy's, in person, besides Biden for the rest i don't know anyone, i had good relations with Obama Trump and Bush they where realy friendly guy's you could talk to them and they where open, maybe trump repeated some things i said literaly without context, like injecting detergent, there is a planet where they have a cleaning solvent that is injectable, they refuse to give it away, trump kind of left all the data out with stupid consecuences that followed. 

They are just men not brilliant men?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

They probably advised them not to make public what could later have the potential to influence a trial. 

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stokkebye's picture

Bootlicker | Reaction pictures, Memes, Ecards funny

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sato's picture

hope they made a bunch of copies of that thing in advance...?

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stokkebye's picture

The pdf is in the link I posted below the video.


Still reading through it, getting boring, had to write it as part of drug rehab, lasts about at most a little less than a week before doing more drugs, not much in it but peering into the mind of a 40 yr old that acts and thinks like a teenager, just fucking random married dudes while still married and going to therapy with her husband and the dudes who seem to all be in rehab then going on a 4 month long drug binge in Florida and crying to mommy and daddy about it. Says she is in money troubles in that she has $40k in the bank and needs to make it last 3 MONTHS and unsure she can do it. FFS. Sounds like a Biden through and through. Says she thinks she has sex problems and whatnot because she might have been molested/raped at a very young age but she might have blocked it out and remembers "beating her vagina" while listening to her parents fucking and taking inappropriate showers with Joe. Mother sounds like a bitch, said she wasnt her daughter. 


My gf used to watch that shit show Sex and the city, I'd be fucking around on my laptop on the couch and would periodically listen in, imagine all the characters wrapped up into one and you'd have this bitch. The slut, the bitch who wants kids but lives to work, the cute one, the horse who writes in her diary(or narrates as if she is or some shit like), thats about the extent of my knowledge of the show. I'd bet most woman act like this. 

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