President Goofball

danmanjones's picture

The strangest moments from Donald Trump's UN press conference

Whacky Trumpisms from today's press conference.


It was only the 4th presser the president has held since taking office. Full clip below:


Average: 4.6 (12 votes)


phanto's picture

I know Trump is a delusional and narcisstic nutjob. When I started the video I knew what to expect.


And yet he surpassed those expectations by so much that I started wondering if it was a comedy dub.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

What is he on?


Hello trumptards, let's hear the reasoning for this, hmmmmmm, performance.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Its your next door neighbor at the BBQ after a couple of beers

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL, more like after half a dozen.

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monkeymania's picture

"They weren't laughing at me, they were laughing with me."    I don't get too far into politics because it's just too ridiculous but I really do wonder if Donald Trump really believes that or is he just a self-aware practitioner of confidence tricks upon himself.



Being Trump's handler and having to watch him during a press conference has to be........annoying.g_Daai_Kf
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skeptoid's picture

Are you transitioning to this account permanently or just temporarily?

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gardendaleguy's picture

that has GOT to be the best video like.....EVER!!!!! 

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