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Took all the precautions in the world and she still got it. 


That's because it's not a contagion.


Why arn't we seeing nurses dying all over the place? -We are, After taking the vaccine.


Why arn't people dropping dead in the streets.


Fails the Koch STANDARD for pathogen testing.


The patients themselves arn't hacking up a lung.


This isn't a virus. Destroying society is doing NOTHING to slow or stop it.


What does the WHO say about the vaccine?


If I take it can I stop wearing a mask? - No


Can I stop social distancing? - No


Will it stop me from getting the virus? - Maybe


Can I stop washing my hands every 5 seconds? - No


Can I see my family? - No


Can I still spread it to other people? - Maybe


Why am I doing this again? - To protect others.



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Source needed

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"These postulates were generated before modern concepts in microbial pathogenesis that cannot be examined using Koch's postulates, including viruses (which are obligate cellular parasites) and asymptomatic carriers. They have largely been supplanted by other criteria such as the Bradford Hill criteria for infectious disease causality in modern public health"


COVID-19  = Virus


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Debate in epidemiology[edit]

Bradford Hill's criteria had been widely accepted as useful guidelines for investigating causality in epidemiological studies but their value has been questioned because they have become somewhat outdated. [2]

In addition, their method of application is debated.[citation needed] Some proposed options how to apply them include:

  1. Using a counterfactual consideration as the basis for applying each criterion.[3]
  2. Subdividing them into three categories: directmechanistic and parallel evidence, expected to complement each other. This operational reformulation of the criteria has been recently proposed in the context of evidence-based medicine.[4]
  3. Considering confounding factors and bias.[5]
  4. Using Hill’s criteria as a guide, but not considering them to give definitive conclusions.[6]
  5. Separating causal association and interventions, because interventions in public health are more complex than can be evaluated by use of Hill’s criteria[7]

An argument against the use of Bradford Hill criteria as exclusive considerations in proving causality is that the basic mechanism of proving causality is not in applying specific criteria—whether those of Bradford Hill or counterfactual argument—but in scientific common sense deduction.[8] Others argue that the specific study from which data has been produced is important, and while the Bradford Hill criteria may be applied to test causality in these scenarios, the study type may rule out deducing or inducing causality, and the criteria are only of use in inferring the best explanation of this data.[9]

Debate over the scope of application of the criteria includes, whether they can be applied to social sciences.[10] The argument proposes that there are different motives behind defining causality; the Bradford Hill criteria applied to complex systems such as health sciences are useful in prediction models where a consequence is sought; explanation models as to why causation occurred are deduced less easily from Bradford Hill criteria because the instigation of causation, rather than the consequence, is needed for these models.


= Even less reliable

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Ok, I'm not even arguing which one is better.  This is the first time I've heard about these.


My point is:

I did a Google search and in 2 minutes I had found out why covid-19 CAN'T fulfill Koch's standard.

These are things you can check from different sources and not just rely on blogs / conspiracies.  

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My arugement is there are reasons it can't fulfill koch's postulates that they are telling you, and there is the real reason. 


I'm open to it's not caused by 5G. However out of all the research Iv'e looked into 5G makes the most sense.


The frequency it operates at is just below weapons grade. Putin will not implement it among his population for that reason. And Russia has done very well with this pandemic.


Nobody can get their story straight among even the medical and scientific community about this virus, what it does, how it works, how it spreads.


I give a certain amount  of leadway for honest mistakes, some patches of incompetence, and requiring more info.


But there is a point where you can safely assume you are being lied to. I'm not just running with the first conspiracy theory I find. I had to sort through a ton of trash that's not even worth talking about to get to the stuff I have found.


Here is the evidence we do have. Since the pandemic, governments globally have become authoritarian, society keeps changing rapidly, Government responses are getting stranger, human rights are being violated to uphold this charade, censorship is rampant, and very invasive measures are being propsed to control people's lives. We have vvaccines they are pushing people to take that technically shouldn't exist yet, have not been properly tested, have not completed proper human trials, have not been peer reviewed, yet we are supposed to trust this? People are dying from the vaccine, others are getting seriously ill. Not everyone is being informed when taking it. At first they tried to say, there is nothing wrong with these vaccines, then only after the internet being flooded with people sharing their negative experiences with it, do they finally admit, well there might be a couple problems.... ... ...


I'm not anti vaxx btw, I got all my shots as a kid like everyone else, but I don't get flu shots, and I'm not getting these ones. And governments one at a time are threatening to cripple your life if you don't take it.


That's enough info for me to assume something evil is going on, and everything the gov says should be scrutinized.

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"The frequency it operates at is just below weapons grade. Putin will not implement it among his population for that reason. And Russia has done very well with this pandemic."


Again a quick google search:  Huawei Just Launched 5G In Russia With Putin's Support: 'Hello Splinternet'



If 5G was to blame it should be a pretty straightforward correlation where you have towers and where you don't.

But as far as I know, there is no such correlation.  They aren't in a hurry to set up 5G in rural areas but you can find covid cases there regardless. 


I agree with the vaccine. I won't be taking it myself. I've got some experience within the family with H1N1 swine flu vaccine from 2009. My cousin took it or rather was pressured into taking it since she's a nurse.  She got some kind of neurological disorder from it. Can't work anymore, gets tired really easily and has to use a wheelchair.  


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I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. Thank you for sharing her story.

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