pillow rules

sal9000's picture

My Pillow: Get the best MyPillow® fit

i could see him going up to people at a gas station and trying to sell them a pillow.

Average: 4.3 (3 votes)


subroutine's picture
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better call saul selling pillows. funny that he reached the white house...

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n0val33t's picture
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I'm just waiting for them to make a mattress for side sleeping men with shoulders. 


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Pdub's picture

A couple years ago I bought a bamboo memory foam pillow.  It was a "knock off" because apparently the original has shredded memory foam.  However, after first putting it in the dryer to puff it up, the solid foam was nice and firm and perfect for side sleeping.  With a nice indentation from my head after a few nights of sleep, well, I folded it over and, yep, lots of new pillows around now.

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