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phanto's picture

Trump is showing everyone how one can pass a basic cognitive ability test and yet still look like a complete moron

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jdt73's picture

Biden fails the cognitive test and looks like a complete moron.

Tough choice for voters?

Mock Trump all you want but dont go fucking crying again when he wins again.

The only reason he ever wins is because the alternative is absolute crap.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I think you have a point there.

My hypothesis is that they chose Biden (and the early competition) as scapegoats to save a good candidate for the next election and also to have a guy that will 100% follow Obama (which is not really a bad thing) should he win.

Only the dumbest of the trumptards will say this is a bad thing.

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Dagambit's picture

i have seen people fail open book tests, lets not rule out the testing environment and it is a timed test. The test questions aren't hard, it is the ability and pace in which you can recall the information in the time given that poses the challenge.


Why are we back on this subject, they demanded he take this test, he took it and aced it, now, years later, they want to invalidate it. make up your minds.

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monkeymania's picture

Centuries later the want to invalidate it. Millenia ago he aced it. Eons ago he took that test he's been bragging about acing that wasn't an IQ test but a test for dementia.


Dipshit. Dumb Hats. No brains.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You people are hillarious, in general almost as hillarious as your president but sometimes you "ace" it even better than him. 


"They" probably asked Obama, Bush and many Presidents to take this test too, they probably "aced" it too, yet only one person decided to brag about it in the most idiotic fashion. And only his supporters think it is a real thing.


Now Bush was a great entertainment for the whole world but it needed a trump to create a term for base supporters that mixes the president's name with the derrogative term for a mentally disabled person. 

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