Peaceful Protestors


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Members of "a fully funded and organized mob" do not qualify for the term "(peaceful) protestor"

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puttefnask's picture

The title "Peaceful Protestors" is meant to be sarcastic, as one would hopefully understand is satire, when watching the video of the fully funded and organized mob posted underneath it.


The description was meant to underline that intention, just in case someone did not get it.

Yet it seems someone did still not get it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

The focus of my reply was not "peaceful" hence I put it in brackets. Yet it seems someone did still not get it.


So here again and simplified just for you:

"fully funded and organized mob" ≠ "Protestors"

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puttefnask's picture

Your last sentence is the exact point I was already making with the post.

What are you, an elementary school dropout?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

No, people like you, i.e. the alt (or far) right, like to throw petrol on the "leftist" fires (so even you get it: discredit the "movement" by "exposing" this mob and making it the main reason for all the protests including the peaceful ones). Similar to people on the opposite side of the spectrum like to throw petrol on the right wing fires...... You're all the same, you just don't realise it.

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puttefnask's picture

Did you even watch the video?

This particular protest is clearly organized as they change their clothes and start hurling premade objects and explosives at police unprovoked.


And I must once again deny being alt or far right, you useless cunt.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now don't go all alt right smowflake on us....... again! It does not suit you. Leave that to fullauto, he is way better at that than you. As he has left this leftist platform we probably do need a successor but you clearly are not even up to this task.

It appears to be more fashionable these days to not only voice far right opinion without much disguise but to also fully commit and admit. Grow a pair!

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puttefnask's picture

You are a post modernist failure.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh I do love male Karens!

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puttefnask's picture

Did someone call the police on you?

I don't see the reference to "Karens".

Are you just taking recent memes out of context to villify people you don't like?


And you have once again mentioned FullAuto.

Is it like a Stockholm syndrome thing?

Doesn't really matter, it's your kink, I get it. I'm not into it, but hey you do you.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Come on Karen, even you should have gotten who the "Karen" reference was aimed at. You are hillarious mate!

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Dagambit's picture

if you have the facts, argue the facts.


if you know the truth, agrue the truth.


if you have neither resort to name calling, provide no examples to backup your claim and take the moral highground and hope everyone can't see through your bullshit.


You good sir, as of right now are the last option. Being as your name implies you are a "daft cunt", I never take anything you say seriously, and neither should puttefmask, but alass your troll skills were too good for him to ignore.

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monkeymania's picture

That was absolutely priceless. Read word for word from the Trumptard playbook and then tried as yet another attack on anyone not a member of Trumptard Nation. That is sad, pathetic, and special needs-level 3rd grade shit. Fits.

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