parents rant about the gays and whatnot


skeptoid's picture

The indoctrination of tiny children into wokeism is just about increasing tolerance and awareness of the gays and whatnot. That's all it's about.

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jdt73's picture

Its all pedolitical.

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stokkebye's picture

Well, when have this sort of stuff being performed at the grammys, I think the bar has been set pretty low:

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stokkebye's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Another one of these fucktards that think they are better than others because of their religion, lol, all whilst babbling incoherent shit that is disrespectful of others.



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skeptoid's picture

But you think you're better than others because of your religion.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

nope. I don't. 

Being a theist, atheist or "agnostic" doesn't make anyone a "better" or "worse" person.

Not being a theist is not a religion, although people like you love to think that.


In contrary to non believers or agnostics many religious on here and in the real world like to start sentences with "as a *insert religion here*" when they believe their religion gives them the moral (or other) highground. This is beause they somehow think they are "better" than or superior to those that follow a different belief or non believers (like the guy in the video). Simple as that. 



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