Osama Bin Laden is alive


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why are these tweets not removed? Amazing that the dumb cunt still supports the orange twat!

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Dagambit's picture

That is the point, bullshit is allowed to remain, but the truth gets filtered *cough Hunter Biden cough*

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

The FBI was investigating, if this turns out to be correct, which is doubtful atm, the consequences will be more severe than a few deleted tweets...... 


According to what I read about this the source is fishy.

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Dagambit's picture

Facebook and twitter going down in a blaze of glory is the hope. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Well i killed him we just put it on the military and told him to claim the kill and the seal team was not killed at all they just werent even there, they came in later when we where carrying the body to the chopper made a slit put a grenade in his body and threw him into the sea, i saw him blow up as he hit the water, and it was Bin Laden since i had met him before i knew 100 percent that it was him

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stokkebye's picture

George Orwell - Oceania was at war with Eurasia; therefore...

When you create a "ghost" enemy, you can use it anyway you want! 

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