opening an electronic safe

Raining Blood's picture

Diebold safecracking

enter the correct combination, electricity goes to the solenoid allowing the boltwork to move freely. or drill into the safe, expose the solenoid wires, splice into it and power it.

repair is easy, you drive in a bolt, grind it smooth and paint

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GKhan's picture

I'm not impressed unless he can open it without power tools

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Raining Blood's picture

you can get it open without powertools. just most customers still want a working safe after its open. you also have to account for the knowledge required to do this. sometimes the lock isnt in the right spot. some times they have extra security, like steel bearings in the door that chews up drill bits. or a glass relocker which is a pan of glass on the door that has a springed coil attached to a spring loaded bolt. so when you hit the glass, it shatters and fires the bolt ensuring that the door will not be opened.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Fact or fiction question.


In an Episode of 24 one guy got into a digital safe by calling a connection in the manufacturer and asking for the "Factory reset code" for the specific model of digital safe.


Do those exist?

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Raining Blood's picture

yes. it does exist. but it's usually only for the lower end safes. just the new electronic dial the guy puts on the safe. is worth more than the safes sold at walmart.


so take any kind of electronic sentry safe(or really any safe that has the electronic dial molded into the door). you dont even need a contact. all you need is someone who's a locksmith. sentry safes provide a 1-800 number for locksmith to call, all they ask for is the model number and serial number off the safe and for 35.00$ US. they'll provide a code to reset the safe and the defaults codes to open it to the locksmith.

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