open carry into police station


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Open carry is bullshit, everyone protests in his own way, they xalk in armed, the police arrests them slaps some charges on em

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thegent's picture
Discord user

crazy but if its legal then its legal..i wonder if they sued would they win..

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Much like the progressives have eaten their tail so do the conservatives with stupid shit like this. 

Journalist pppft.... everyone's a f.. journalist these day's


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boldfart's picture

That started my day with a good laugh. thanks sal

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stokkebye's picture

Listen, I know it looks crazy and that this incident seems like they are just crazy people, as they would to someone who does not understand what is going on and what the laws are, and seeing this from another country, BUT, this is NOT illegal and the cops were in the wrong. The SCOTUS(The Supreme Court of the United States) has ruled many times that ANYONE who is using a camerea to gather "information" that could later be disseminated to the public IS covered under "freedom of the press"(A Journalist!) in our Federal Constitution. Having a "media badge" or "press credentails" does NOT mean shit in regards to "freedom of the press", those are things the media CORPORATIONS have used to have a monopoly on the information that the government has to tell us, the people. Just like how a private corporation with a video camera has a right to film in the police lobby, so do you and I and everyone else. The Constitution does NOT grant rights to ONLY private corporations and no one else, that would be unconstitutional and that is why the SCOTUS has ruled the way they did. 


My problem with this situation is that the police jumped on them without even asking them what they wanted or what they were doing. Police in the USA have a "us vs them" mentality and treat everyone as a criminal, there is no civility anymore, its do as I say or die! Rules of engagement in warzones dictate that you cannot just start opening fire on someone who carries a fucking gun around, UNLESS it is posted as such or in an area that expressly forbids it, so why are police allowed to do this on American soil? Being that it is an open carry state, they have every right to go into a police station FOR BUSINESS(They wanted to file a complaint) and not be treated the way they were. I know how weird it may seem but it is what it is, the law is the law, just because the police have more guns and are scared does NOT give them, agents of the government, the right to infringe on our rights. DO they do this every time a lawyer or judge or politician comes in armed? What about an off duty cop walking in off the street? Would they treat him like that? Once they learned wht their intentions were and after they were disarmed, they should be treated with dignity and respect and given their weapons back AS THEY COMMITED NO CRIMES!!!


Also, you cannot arrest someone for resisting arrest ONLY! Charges will be dropped, saldly you can beat the crime but you cant beat the ride. They might get some money out of this after suing the shit out of the cops but they have so many immunities and protections, I doubt they will win and the police are allowed to do this again and again. 


If you have a right to do something then you have to exercise that right or you will lose it, they have a right to enter a police station open carrying but that right only goes as far as a bunch of police with guns drawn on you, so it might NOT be a right after all. All governments authority derives from the power to kidnap, you can have the best argument in the world and it can be written in stone and declared a "right" to all but if the government can kidnapp you "arrest you", then those arguments and the Constitution "written in stone" does not mean shit! With that said, I would not do something like this nor do I suggest someone do this, I'm explaining the law and their right to do this, However, I will defend their right to do this, Just like I would defend the rights of anyone else. So, like I said, the police are wrong and those guys are within their rights to do what they did, as crazy as it may seem, they should be allowed to do it. If the police are so scared then they NEED to put up a sign that expressly forbids open carry in their lobby! Imagine if you go to your city hall, wander around looking for an office getting lost, going through unmarked unlocked doors trying to find your way, to then be arrested for trespassing and being in an un-authorized area. It would seem pretty fucking ridiculous as none of the doors were marked telling you not to enter. There are no signage telling the public NOT to open carry in the police lobby, then they get this done to them, pretty fucking ridiculous! 

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Raining Blood's picture

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stokkebye's picture

Yes, that is how I feel. Surrounded by a bunch of children who cant understand what I am saying to them. 

Feels like this most of the time: 

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boldfart's picture


Life must suck when you cannot explain the simplest thing to a child!

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stokkebye's picture

Oh, im sorry, my bad, I did not realize I was sitting with academics reading my comments as though it was a scholarly peer reviewed submission. I will do better! Sir, yes SIR!

 Retarded GIFs | Tenor

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Evulva 1's picture

Congrats, you've achieved:





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