No Smoking!

monkeymania's picture

Utah Restaurateur Sprays Smoker

A smoker gets a hint.


A man could face criminal charges for spraying another man in the face with a fire extinguisher in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.





Average: 5 (5 votes)


Fullauto223cal's picture

Boy is it really getting close to giving free helicopter rides.

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Woodsman's picture

Why are people so whiny about people smoking?  I don't smoke, but outside its a minor inconvenience.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

You associate a smell with danger = brain goes fucking apeshit and intensifies the smell profoundly. Open air smoking like this in causing litteraly no harm whatsoever. 

That's basically it, guy got some fucked up old factory settings he needs to dial back to.... 1.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Smokers and vapers can be annoying but extinguisher guy is a fucking idiot.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

if the dude had "a thing" that fires water only? no problem.

a chem blaster to the face? that's arrest time.

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