News Happy 7 People Died


GloomStick's picture

What a stupid title.


Maybe rather than put bs in titles, post a video that isn't boring and pointless.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

I know right, its almost as shallow and redundant as ur comment

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stokkebye's picture

They are smiling at the end of the video you retard

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GloomStick's picture

Uhh, and? It's still boring and pointless, something a little kid might find entertaining. It's not even same people that were talking through the video.



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Evulva 1's picture

Totes scrolling past his shitspam to get to anything mildly amusing or informative gets harder each month.

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stokkebye's picture

Thats pretty shitty of them. 

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ubershin's picture

who watches CBS? or any news for that matter lol old boomers

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ubershin's picture


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