Never give up hope.


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Lol amnesty international.. press freedom.. 

Spy go to jail, simple as that, this has nothing to do with press freedom, imagine someone steals your diary or journal and publishes it

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skeptoid's picture

Okay - imagining that now.


What now?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

the one that published your secrets gets protected by free speech movements, your neighbours can know all about your private life and everything you think

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danman's picture

do you take issue with the criminals that were exposed in the published documents or just the publishing itself?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Do you see the CCP as criminals?

It is simple if you leak state secrets you are a spy, you go to jail, like what? he could not have forseen that? then he is a complete moron. He wanted his 5 minutes of fame and got more then he bargained for.

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danman's picture

He didn't leak anything. Leakers were punished when caught, eg. Chelsea Manning.

It's not illegal to publish leaks, otherwise all the media outlets who published them would have committed crimes.


He neither committed espionage (spying) or leaked anything. Even if he'd committed espionage he's not a US citizen or within US jurisdiction. He's an Australian political prisoner at this point.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Well then he has nothing to worry about does he?

It is not illegal to post leaks??? ... sure it is

It was leaked on his site, if i have a website, and someone posts 5000 pictures of child porno in the course of a few weeks on it, i refuse to remove it, i expect to go to jail to

He got his 5 minutes of fame and more then he bargained for

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danman's picture

there are laws against distributing cp

saying he has nothing to worry about when the head of the CIA wanted to assassinate him is pretty naive.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I was being sarcastic, and if they wanted him dead he would have been gone a long time ago.

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danman's picture

There are plenty who want him dead but pulling the trigger is another story. He's in UK's harshest prison & has suffered a bunch of health issues in there. He suffered a stroke recently.


He's a political prisoner in a dungeon.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique
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danman's picture

Fabricated atrocity testimony. Very cool. Here's another for your collection

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You think i have a collection of these?

So everything you say is not fabricated, but an entire population is lying?

And they do that,.. that justifies China to do it to? Finger pointing??

And these ppl were on trial, you wont see the Uighur getting any kind of justice.

The Western governments have the decency to admit and condemn.

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danman's picture

> an entire population is lying?

what population are you talking about?

are these women in Xinjiang part of that "entire population"?



> these ppl were on trial

what people were on trial? that girl in the video I showed was giving a false testimony to congress in 1990 in order for the US to build more support for the invasion of Iraq. She was trained by a PR firm & is the daughter of the then Kuwaiti Ambassador to US.


> The Western governments have the decency to admit and condemn

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danman's picture

The BBC video you shared features Tursunay Ziawudun.

She's changed her story so many times I've lost count.


She told Buzzfeed news that she wasn't mistreated during her detainment

To be honest, it wasn’t that bad,” she said. “We had our phones. We had meals in the canteens. Other than being forced to stay there, everything else was fine.
I wasn’t beaten or abused,” she said. “The hardest part was mental. It’s something I can’t explain — you suffer mentally. Being kept someplace and forced to stay there for no reason. You have no freedom. You suffer."



There's a small handful of these women who've entered the atrocity propaganda circuit, usually connected to US govt-funded NGOs. It's a rather deep topic but you can mull over the contradiction between what she told Buzzfeed & what she said on BBC.


If you seriously believe the US or UK governments give a flying fuck about Muslims in China, you're off your rocker. If you don't think any refugees can be weapnized for propaganda purposes & fabricate stories I have a bridge to sell you.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Video's of everything besides that testimony, you seem to be to well informed about propaganda to be impartial

O i am sure it all part off the game to make China look bad, no doubt about that, but at the same time i believe it is the truth.

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danman's picture

> you seem to be to well informed about propaganda to be impartial

dude knowing how propaganda works doesn't make someone biased, it's key to deciphering modern media - scraping out the credible information, verifying it with data where possible, knowing the difference between information, spin, conjecture, understanding white, grey & black propaganda, etc etc etc. I'm a history hobbyist & understanding propaganda is an absolute must to get anywhere when studying history. I also take a big interest in China and have spent countless hours looking into what's going on in Xinjiang. I condemn any mistreatment where it's happened & I don't doubt that there's been some overzealous policing since the deradicalization campaign began in 2017 & probably some orders from party cadres have been over the top too but the BBC stuff is absolute fucking nonsense. It's impossible to verify when you're only listening the testimony of a refugee.


That said, we've just past the 5-year mark of no terrorist attacks in Xinjiang. Before 2017 it was rife & something had to be done. Did they bust out the drones like Americans do? No. In fact the US are the ones who've been slaughtering Uyghur Muslims during this period.


> at the same time i believe it is the truth

you'd have to say what "it" is. Are you saying you believe Tursunay Ziawudun at her word?

which version do you believe - that she wasn't mistreated as she told Buzzfeed or that she was raped with an electric baton as she told BBC?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

''dude knowing how propaganda works doesn't make someone biased'' 

-So you are unbiassed?

and you know all facts, not just how propaganda works but the acctual used propaganda, suspicious to say the least.

Maybe you get payed to discuss on forums?

You get payed to spread propaganda

din't even read the rest

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danman's picture

well read it.


use your brain - why the fuck would anyone pay someone to talk with a dozen people?

if you're not reaching at least 10k people you're nobody & you're not gonna get paid.


I wanna stress again, understanding how propaganda works is important in the information age (which is also the disinformation age).... if you want to swim rather than sink. We have an opportunity here to learn so much shit but you also need skills that aren't obvious. The West specializes in sophisticated psychological operations & it takes some effort to figure out the mechanisms in order to extract the information & data from the spin, conjecture, lies & bullshit.


RussiaGate should have been a wakeup call. Deep state & DNC aligned to go after the president, forcing his hand on relations with Russia. Liberal media lined up behind this obviously bullshit disinfo campaign for years. It was a hoax from the start & yet the majority of media was in sync repeating the lies. There's an establishment media there (not just liberal) who are being influenced by various forces, incl the deep state which is factional to a degree.


IMO you can sidestep trying to workout the nature of "the blob" (the establishment that drives US imperialism & sits above the president, it's hard to work out) and just learn better skills on deciphering propaganda - you can also apply this to non-Western countries & learn what's going on without the spin.

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jdt73's picture

Maybe Canda can start extraditing people to Canada for contavening thier hate speech laws in online forums like this. Never mind if you have never been to Canada. You Broke the Law!

What a joke.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Terrorist go to guantanamo bay, they never been there before either

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jdt73's picture

I cant argue with that.

You have a great point!


So what do you want?


I think it it just might be.....


individual freedom, a way to live in a society where we can all agreee on some fundimental, time proven actualities of history and the data that is before us.


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