Neil Young: Homosexuals deserve AIDS


danman's picture

why's Jimmy trying to cancel Neil Young?

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skeptoid's picture

The video actually answers your question.

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danman's picture

it's too long to watch this shitlib style stuff

digging up a comment from neil Young from 1985... pfft

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skeptoid's picture

Jimmy coined the term shitlib, or at least he's made it well known. You just outed yourself again - stay under the coverssssss, grassssshoopppperr.

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danman's picture

no he didn't but regardless you & Dore are acting like shitlibs.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Man, your political compass is messed up.


In short, Neil cancled himself. He tried to compete with spotifies golden goose.


Spotify helped Neil out by pulling down his content instead.

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danman's picture

I can see why you'd say that but I don't have a political tribe & just use basic principles instead.

This digging up of old comments & moralizing over it to demonize someone is a shitlib tactic & to be consistent you should condemn it when anyone does it, not just the "other guys".

Also I like some of Neil Young's music so there's that ;)

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theblackswordsman's picture
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No, Political compass is your ability to assess political association. At least as far as that bogus system that we are "supposed" to believe in is concerned.


Realisticly there is only liberty and authoritarianism. That's all that matters.

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danman's picture

I don't have a political association. I'm not a poltiician.

This system of liberal democracy under capitalism is pretty bogus IMO.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Hardy har har.


The problem is big government. Not capitalism.


Those who corrupted capitalism used anti capitalist prinicples to do it. The foundation of Capitalism is competition, not the elimination of it.


I agree that the citizens have their work cut out for them to restore their nations. As long as government continue to grow, so will their ability to abuse their citizens and invade into their personal affairs and privacy.

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danman's picture

not sure what your'e loling at but I deleted what I said about authority being required for liberty. It's a convo for another time maybe, I'm pretty tired atm & not even sure what I was getting at lol.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I was laughing at your comment on "I don't have a political association. I'm not a poltiician." It was glib, but not worth creating a scene about. I can just appreciate the humor in it.


Perhaps you are thinking of structure.


That structure is already provided for us. Natural Law.


99% of people are good, they don't want to kill,steal, or be unfair to others. These natural feeling are the structure we need to live cooperatively. We don't need governments or laws for that.


But there is a minority that are abused growing up, and develope a predatory mindset on their fellow man. For them, they are removed from society once they have been caught hurting others through their actions.

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danman's picture

the way I look at systems of governance is just in terms of power - where is it & what's it being used for


I think to have stable system we need some authority - we need laws enforced & such. The govt should be delivering what the country needs as a whole & doing its best not to trample on people or environment. I find our system a bit bogus because we have a bunch of capitalists influencing govt for their own ends & this can be at the expense of the people. A certain amount of this can actually be okay because we want our big businesses to do well too but the govt should really be protecting us from being exploited too much. It's a long convo :/

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Or just not punishing those that are protecting themselves.


There is some things I have thought about  as far as protections that may work. Such as national solidarity in all nations.


China is China first, America is America first and so on. Immigration is never an obligation, it's a priviledge, and voting  is not granted til at least the 4th generation, to ensure immigrants are properly assimilated into the value system of the respective country. Japan has the right idea with this.


Have property limits on what people can buy. No massive expansion or mega corperation superstructure building.


No foreign propert ownership period. If you immigrate you can buy personal land and a business property in 1st generation, but if you do you live here.


No nation should borrow money period. Spend within your means, rather than debauch the currency.





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danman's picture

I agree with most of that but not sure about the voting rights.... if we have to hold national elections & we're importing labour then those immigrants should also get a say. Ideally we wouldn't need to lean so heavily on imported labour to grow the economy & just chill with what we have a bit more.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The reason why is to stop political parties from bribing immigrants with goodies to buy votes.


It's not the fault of the immigrants, it's just a dirty human exploit.


If you are given a bunch of free stuff you may feel a certain burden of gratitude and your vote may be influenced.


There is also an issue with incompatible value systems being imported. It's not avoidable. 


I don't believe in mass immigration, I believe in slow importation of skilled persons. Refugees are a temp basis, as in if we are helping people out during a crises (Women children elderly) then they return home after crises is averted, and we don't accept fighting age men.


Mass immigration isn't good for any nation, it weakens the value system of the country and challenges unity of the population.


Voting isn't a right, if treated as such it makes democracy very dangerous and encourages unsavory behaviour from the politcal class.


It's a big part of why the western world is deteriorating, and a part of why our governmets keep destabilizing countries. They take advantage of immigrant voters to bloat their voter base, get themselves in by handing out candy, and then go start problems. If that cycle isn't broken, it's a death spiral.


And possibly how civilzations have just magically vanished. (The ones we know about but don't know why they ended.)

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danman's picture

politicians bribe everyone with votes

biden promised $15 minimum wage & didn't even pretend to try & get it through

also the $2000 stimmy checks


tycoons bribing politicians is an even bigger problem

when taiwan first setup their democracy they had 4 branches, the 4th was internal investgation type thing to keep things within the govt in order. This system has since been disbanded but I think we could do with something like this, and it could perhaps extend to the media too. The media is a big part of the system we have & it's gone to shit in some ways. Sensational, divisive clickbait that further fucks with our national unity for the sake of $$ isn't good long-term.


tbph I don't think national elections in large countries are a good idea at all but it's not something that's easily changed.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The U.S. had an excellently planned civic system. The problem was long term subversion of elitist puppets.


The government was designed to be atomized. And really a ground up system instead of top down.


Mayors ran cities, govenors ran states but also had to compete with state legislature.


Representives propose laws and get 1st vote.


Senate looks over the passed laws has more deliberation then has 2nd vote.


President has final look through and can veto or sign.


Supreme courts are meant to interpet the law not make it, and they are meant to be slow to act in all matters as their implications can be grave.


The "idea"  was that you have the bills of rights as the over arching supreme laws. Beneath that states govern their own affairs. And the government is supposed to be always divided on making laws in an attempt to minimize the amount of new laws created, while the citizens are armed, and meant to be united in supervision over the government.


The problems started when states started acting above the constituion and recognizing bits and piecees of it from state to state, coupled with few limits on corperate growth, government expansion, and subversion of the different seats, and hiding the ground up nature of the civic system from the people by making them focus on just the president and congress, effectively making them forget their power.


The populist movement has now caught on to this and they are taking back everything at the bottom level and working up.


The next greatest civic threat will be keeping an eye out for messiah figures that will inevitably emerge in the Republican Party and try to pull more RINO garbage like Bush, cheney, MccConnel etc.


Every citizen must carefully look through every bill proposed and watch for evil things slipped in on page 2263 of 2800 page bills lol.


It also would help if they butted out of the business of other countries, and just kept watch instead of being so quick to act.

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daftcunt's picture
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So one celebrity idiot wants wants to be in the press again and causes headlines over another celebrity idiot and of course a third, second rate, celebrity idiot translates this for his regulars.



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