Nazi march in Nashville

sal9000's picture

Mayor O'Connell reacts to 'Nazi' march in Nashville

props to the guy for saying pro-hamas and not saying pro-palestine

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daftcunt's picture
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No, according to people "in the know" on here the german Nazis were ultrawoke leftists. These new age Nazis are the best interest for everyone, god loving great guys.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

And of course the typical "jewish spokesman" confuses being anti israel- hmmm, let's say "gaza politics" with antisemitism. The "jew card" still works these days!

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jdt73's picture

This is very concerning.

I wonder where they get the balls to go out in public all dressed up like Antifa?

The government should round them all up and send them to fight alongside their brothers in Ukraine.

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