"Do you know what the fuck my dad does?" requires no comment. It's the millenial take on the legendary "Do you know who I am?" that assholes have used for ages. You know you wanted that midget moron to get his ass beat and his problem is that he never got beaten down when he was a douchebag growing up and his Napoleon complex only grew stronger. Using "Do you know what the fuck my dad does?" is pathetic beyond belief.
(18 votes)
(Long Spike)
What if his dad's job is really impressive though? I'd be scared.
(Long Spike)
You know his dad is a lawyer. Everyone knows this exact guy. A kid in my college class was exactly like him. He would always have this threatening air because his father was a lawyer. The fact that he was a tax lawyer made no difference. To him, he was Roy Cohn and could sue your life away if you crossed him. He got the same attitude as this dipshit trying to get into a party one night and ended up in the hospital. It changed him and was exactly what he needed. The kid in this video has never caught the beating he needs. Being drunk is no excuse for "Do you know what my dad does?"
(Old Spike)
I got the joke, fuck the haters.
(Short Spike)
(Short Spike)
A bar in Illinois recently settled a lawsuit for $35,000 filed by a patron who was injured during a bar brawl that was allegedly instigated by the bar’s bouncer, who threw a bar stool at another patron.
* the kid didnt touch guy and he lost his temper and attacked him which is on tape Hope his dad is a lawyer
(Old Spike)
The settled, that doesn't mean they were in the wrong, they just wanted the problem to go away.
(Long Spike)
LooL. I can't think of a magistrate who would let something as petty as this chew up a courts time.
But then again. I don't know any magistrates.
Little manlet need to learn how to hold his liquor and how to talk to bouncers.
(Short Spike)
Just looks like a bouncer doing his job to me. Drunk and acting like a cockhead? Not gettin in.
(Short Spike)
Do you know who my dad is? Of course I know. I'm a bouncer.
(Old Spike)
Maybe the kid was referring to the incest with his dad, ''he will fuck you in your gray ass beard after he beats your mom''
(Short Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Would be funny if his dad was a mob boss.