Maximum Attack


stokkebye's picture

Crazy shit! Looks fun as hell!

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Would love to get a ride in one of these



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stokkebye's picture

When I was 12 I used to steal my brothers Honda Accord and go on the backroads, probably as close as I will ever get to something like this.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

It's pretty common here in Finland that kids get some beat-up old car and drive it on fields after the harvest. We also have thousands of miles of these winding gravel road so we have spawned quite a few world class rally drivers over the years. 

Had a few busted up car with a friend when I was young. Never lasted long till someone slipped up and wrecked the car to the point it was undrivable.  

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